讲师介绍 Chris Lonsdale
Question: How can you speed up learning?
Question refined:How can normal adults learn a NEW LANGUAGE Quickly, Easily, Effectively ?
Find where it’s already happening and identify the principles that work!
Discovered that .. ANYONE Can Learn a Second Language in 6 MONTHS !
Crazy?impossible ?
The history of Human Progress is all about Expanding Limits.. like airplane 、flying cars
The 2 Things that Really Don’t Matter
2、Immersion per se(go to the country where people use a language)
5 Principles 7 Actions
一、5 Principles of Rapid Language Acquisition
Information that helps survival has relevance
Information that helps achieve Personals Goals has relevance
(then you will pay attention and mind it)
Principle #️:Focus on language content that is relevant to you
tip: Using tools(like keyboard)to create values.
Principle #️:Use your New Language as a Tool to Communicate ..From Day 1
tip:as a kid does
Principle #️:When you first UNDERSTAND the MESSAGE you will ACQUIRE the Language!! unconsciously
tips:Comprehension is KEY (可明白输入学习)
Language learning is NOT ABOUT KNOWLEDGE..
Principle #️:Physiological Training (生理训练)
tip:Talking takes muscle (43 muscles on your face, when your FACE HURTS, You are doing it RIGHT)
Principle #️ :Psycho-physiological STATE Matters!
tips:If you feel angry sad upset, you will not learn fast.
VERY Important Idea.. You Must Learn to Tolerate Ambiguity(歧义)--把注意力放在你听明白的部分
二 、7 Actions for Rapid Language Acquisition
Action #️:Listen A LOT —Brain Soaking (泡脑子)
Action #️: Focus on getting the meaning FIRST (before the words)—Use Body Language / Use Patterns You Already Know
Action #️ :Start mixing—10 Verbs *10 Nouns* 10 Adjectives = 1000 Possible Phrases / get creative
Action #️ :Focus on the Core—High Frequency Language (1000 words cover 85% daily communication/3000 words cover 98%)
Week 1- The Tool Box (use it)
What is this ?
How do you say?
I don’t understand..
Week 2-3-Pronouns, Common Verbs, Adjectives(simple)
Week 4- Glue Words (胶水词)
Even though
Action #️: Get a Language Parent
Language Parent “Rules"
Works to understand what you are saying
Does not correct mistakes
Confirms understanding by using correct language
Uses words the learner knows
Action #️ :Copy the Face
Action #️ :“Direct Connect” to Mental Images —Same Box-Different Path
我们下定决心学语言通常都有一个契机,或者是看到身边的小伙伴们在努力?或者是想不带字幕的看懂一部电影?或者是想出国旅游时可以和外国人交流?或者是为了升职加薪?或者仅仅是为了爱好。。。不管是哪种,至少你已经有了一个目标,有了一个动机,最重要的是你有兴趣有目的地去做,内心渴望学习才能更加投入,更容易坚持住。我们已经过了需要考试的年纪,so just do what you want and enjoy it.
前一阵听了一堂微课,伍教授教大家要使用“真英语”,“真英语”指的是那些“使用级”的英文原著,国外网站,电视节目,演讲等等,而不是教材一类的“学习级”内容。我现在已经开始尝试透析法读英文小说,开始选了《Robinson cursoe》,读了大概20%实在读不下了,生词太多,换了《Harry Poter and the Phiosopher’s Stone》之后好很多,所以选书一定要根据自己的水平和喜欢读的类型来选择,难度从低到高,循序渐进,读完一本给自己一些小奖励,既有成就感又有礼物收,perfect!
平时地铁或者空闲时间我磨耳朵,听一些英语广播,如 Tunein Radio或者iphone自带 podcast。
以上就是我最近在坚持的三件事。最后想说,学英语的方法有很多,可以参考上面的5 Principles 7 Actions先尝试一种,如果能一起实践当然最好了,但不管哪种方法一定要坚持,要坚持,要坚持!因为学语言真的没有捷径,多听--让自己沉浸在英语的环境下,量变一定会达到质变;多说—别放过任何用英语的机会,最好是找个小伙伴一起练习效果很更好。身边有那么多的小伙伴都在努力,你也不能落下哦!一起加油!