Nov. 12 PM No.1071

Nov. 12 PM No.1071

作者: 打雷不怕 | 来源:发表于2017-11-13 23:17 被阅读0次

AP News Dictation Nov. 12 PM 2017@打雷不怕 No.1071

  1. In Southern Springs, Texas, a week after the deadlest mass shooting in the state's history, people gathered at a roadside memorial for the victims. Across town on Sunday, church services was held by pasters of the first baptist church where the shooting happened. 26 people including an unborn child were killed in the attack.
  2. President Donald Trump is giving Russian president Vadmir Putin the benefit of the doubt. Speaking in Vietnam on Sunday Trump says he believe the US Inteligence's assessment agency that Russian's interfer in the 2016 election. But he says he thinks Putin genuinely believes his goverment has nothing to do with it. The comment follows Trump's past criticism of US inteligence agencies.
  3. Iraqi officials uncovering a mass grave in the area recently retaken from the IS group. Officials say the cite near the city of Kirkuk contains bodies of civilians and security forces. One official says the cite could contain up to 400 dead.
  4. And a guitar played by legendary singer Bob Dylan just sold for 396,000 dollars. A Texas autioneer says the buyer requested remain anonymous. The Martin D208 acoustic guitar was purchased from Dylan by his guitar repairman in 1977 for just 500 dollars.



      本文标题:Nov. 12 PM No.1071
