

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2019-07-01 12:59 被阅读0次
To be admitted to an experience meeting, a prospective member had to answer the following questions in the affirmative: 想要参加这个聚会的成员需要先同意以下问题:
1. Are you seeking God with all your heart? 1.你是否正在全心地寻求神?
2. Are you willing to take rebukes, chastening, and instruction from others? 2.你是否愿意接受别人的批评、惩戒和教训?
3. Will you refrain from repeating the confidential things we discuss? 3.你会不会对聚会中讨论的隐私内容保密?
4. Are you willing to use your spiritual gifts to edify others in the group? 4.你是否愿意运用你的属灵恩赐建造组里的其他人。
5. Are you resolved to forsake your idols and inordinate loves? 5.你是否决心放弃你的偶像和沉溺的爱好?
To spark discussion in the group, these questions were typically asked: 若要激发组里的讨论,以下是典型的问题:
1. Do you have spiritual assurance of your standing in Christ? How clear and vivid is it? 1.你是否拥有在基督里的属灵确据?这确据的清晰、鲜活程度如何?
2. How does the Holy Spirit bear witness with your spirit that you are his child? Are you conscious of a growing spiritual light within, revealing more of the purity of the law, the holiness of God, the evil of sin, and the preciousness of the imputed righteousness of Christ? 2.圣灵如何为你见证你是属神的儿女?你有没有意识到内在属灵的亮光在增长,向你启示律法的纯洁、神的圣洁、罪的邪恶、以及基督归算的公义有何等可贵?
3. Is your love for Christians growing? Do you find yourself having a less censorious, judgmental spirit toward weak Christians, those who fall, or those who are self-deceived? Have you been cold to anyone? 3.你对其他基督徒的爱心是否在增长?你有没有发觉自己对软弱、跌倒或自欺的基督徒越来越少苛责和论断?你内心有没有对任何人冷漠?
4. Is your conscience growing tenderer to convict you of the very first motions of sin in the mind, such as the onset of resentment; worry, pride, or jealousy; an inordinate desire for power, approval, and material comfort; and an over-concern for your reputation? Are you becoming more aware of and convicted about sins of the tongue, such as cutting remarks, rambling without listening, deception and semi-lying, gossip and slander, inappropriate humor, or thoughtless statements? 4.你的良心有没有越来越敏感,罪在你心中发动的第一瞬间就能感受到,比如恼恨、焦虑、骄傲、嫉妒之心的生起;对权力、称许、舒适的物质条件的过度渴望;对自己名誉的过分关注?你是否越来越意识到口舌之罪,比如挖苦别人,不倾听别人却乱扯话题,欺骗,说话半真半假,造谣中伤,不恰当的笑话,或考虑不周就乱说话?
5. Do you see signs of growth in the fruit of the Spirit? Can you give examples in which you responded in a new way — with love, joy, patience, honesty, humility, or self-control — in a situation that a year or two ago you would not have? 5.你有没有看见圣灵果子增长的迹象?能不能举个例子,你用属灵的新方式-爱、喜乐、忍耐、真诚、谦卑或自制-来应对某个情况,而你在一两年前是没有的?
6. Are you coming to discern false, idolatrous motives for some of the good service you do? Are you seeing that many things you thought you did for God you are actually doing for other reasons? Are you coming to see areas of your life in which you have resisted the Lord’s will? 6.你是否在辨别你在自己的服事中有没有虚假、拜偶像的动机?你有没有看见你原以为是为神做的许多事,其实是出于别的原因?你有没有看见在你生命中的一些领域,你在抵挡主的旨意?
7. Are you seeing new ways to be better stewards of the talents, gifts, relationships, wealth, and other assets that God has given you? 7.你有没有看见新的方式更好地做管家,善用你的才能、恩赐、人际关系、健康及其它神赐予你的宝贵资源?
8. Are you having any seasons of the sweet delight that the Spirit brings? Are you finding certain promises extremely precious? Are you getting answers to prayers? Are you getting times of refreshing from reading or listening to the Word? 8.你有没有体验到圣灵给你带来甜美喜乐的时期?你有没有发现神的哪些应许尤其珍贵?有没有被应允的祷告?在读经或听经时心灵有没有得到更新?

Keller, Timothy. Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City (pp. 75-76). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.


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