China plays bigger role in finan

China plays bigger role in finan

作者: 咖菲喵 | 来源:发表于2017-10-11 19:04 被阅读0次

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-10-11 08:56

WASHINGTON — While tightening global monetary policies would put more pressure on short-term liquidity in frontier markets (FMs), Chinese financing could help mitigate liquidity risk for these countries, said Moody's, a ratings agency, in a report released on Monday.

华盛顿——— 加强全球货币政策管制给短期的前沿市场资金流加大了压力, 中国的金融市场可以减缓其它前沿过家门的资金流风险,一家名为穆迪的商业评论公司在周一发表的报道中说

Moody's defines FMs as sub-investment-grade countries that rely heavily on concessional financing. Moody's rates 36 FM countries, most of which carry ratings in the B1-B3 range.


"Benign global liquidity conditions have permitted some FMs to raise commercial US dollars sovereign debt, at relatively favorable rates," Anne Van Praagh, a Moody's Managing Director, said. "One quarter of FMs had issued new debt on commercial terms as of August 2017."

“良性的全球资金流情况下,一些前沿金融市场被批准在合理的汇率下筹集美金国债,“ Anne Van Praagh,穆迪的管理者说, ”四分之一的前沿金融市场在2017年8月发行了新的债券条约。“

"Looking ahead, as global liquidity conditions evolve, elevated debt service costs and liquidity risks are key credit challenges for FMs," she added.

“向前看,随着全球资金流情况的发展,债券服务价格的增长和资金流的风险是前沿金融市场的主要风险。” 她还说

The most vulnerable sovereigns are those with larger external vulnerabilities, limited domestic fiscal policy space, high gross borrowing needs and low institutional strength, the report said.

穆迪的报道说, 大量的外部脆弱性,国内财政空间有限, 大数额的贷款需求和较弱的机构力量的国家们的国债是最脆弱的

Higher global interest rates could limit market access and significantly raise debt servicing costs for sovereigns with a material proportion of externally financed debt and large gross borrowing requirements.


According to the report, liquidity risks are most acute in Egypt, Pakistan and Mongolia.


"Financing from China through foreign direct investment and swap line arrangements has become more important for some FMs, 16 of which are listed under China's Belt and Road Initiative," said the report.


"Chinese financing could help mitigate near-term liquidity risks," said the report.


"It is encouraging a shift away from financing by international financial institutions, which have historically provided a stable funding source, including on concessional terms."




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