这期给大家推荐一部我很喜欢的电影JoJo Rabbit,中译名为《乔乔的异想世界》,豆瓣8.4分,获得第92届奥斯卡金像奖最佳改编剧本奖。
👉01 (17:37)
do/work wonders for sb/sth
do/work wonders for sb / sth 表示”为...创造奇迹,取得惊人的成效“( to be very effective in solving a problem),可以替换我们熟悉的have a good effect on sb/sth。我们来简单造几个句子:
这双鞋显得你腿超瘦:These shoes do wonders for your legs.
这本书会对你的事业有很大帮助:This book will do wonders for your career.
这种学英语的方法对我们产生惊人的效果:This way of learning English has worked wonders for us.
👉02 (28:32)
talk turkey
talk turkey 表示”认真地谈论”,相当于talk sth seriously,一般用于谈生意的时候。
大写 Turkey 表示国家——土耳其
小写 turkey 表示动物—— 火鸡
talk turkey
字面上说是谈火鸡 而在美语里:坦率认真地谈话地谈,直截了当√
talk turkey源于美国民间传说:
相传北美殖民时期,一个白人和一个印第安人一同打猎,事先商定要平分猎物。他们打到了两只火鸡和三只乌鸦(另一说是红头美洲鹫(buzzard)。白人把乌鸦都给了印第安人,相反的把火鸡全留给了自己。印第安人反对,白人说:“You have three birds, I have only two.”(你分了三只鸟,我只有两只。)印第安人回答说:“Stop talking birds. Talk turkey.”(别说鸟,说火鸡。)
turkey 还能表示“笨蛋”的意思
He's such a turkey.其实说的是:他真是个笨蛋。
say turkey to one and buzzard to another
turkey 火鸡;buzzard 美洲鹫
👉03 (17:56)
pluck up the courage to do sth
pluck up the courage to do sth,表示“鼓起勇气做某事”(to make yourself do sth even though you are afraid to do it)。
I finally plucked up the courage to ask him out.
同样表示“鼓起勇气做某事”的地道表达还有:get up the nerve to do sth。
pluck本身也可以作名词,指“胆识,意志,胆识”(courage and determination),比如◇It takes a lot of pluck to do what she did. 她这么做需要很大的胆量。近义词还有courage, bravery, mettle, valour。
pluck作动词本义是“拔,拉,扯”,比如◇She plucked out a grey hair. 她拔掉了一根灰白头发。
👉04 (50:58)
have butterflies (in one's stomach)肚子里有蝴蝶,表示做事情前“情绪紧张,心里发慌”(to feel very nervous before doing somethingto feel very nervous before doing something)。比如:
I always get butterflies before an exam.考试前我总是很紧张。
- No Jojo. Love has no smell. It has no shape and it has no sound.
- Well then how would anyone know? It can’t exist.You’ll know it when it happens. You’ll feel it.
- Like a pain in my arse I bet.
- Nope, in your tummy. Like butterflies.And your heart. It’s like you’re full of butterflies.
👉05 (50:41)
surprise, surprise
surprise, surprise 表示“这有什么好奇怪的,这不奇怪”,当你认为某事不足为怪时,便可以评论这句话。比如:
◇One of the candidates was the manager's niece, and surprise, surprise, she got the job. 求职者中有一个是经理的侄女,结果她被录用了。这有什么奇怪的呢。
👉06 (01:04:56)
agree to disagree
agree to differ / disagree 表示“同意各自保留意见”(if two people agree to differ, they accept that they have different opinions about something and stop arguing about it)。
We have accomplished nothing except that we agree to disagree.我们除了同意各自保留不同意见之外,没有达成任何共识。
👉07 (01:13:38)
give sb a ring
give sb a ring 不是给某人一个戒指的意思,而是指”给某人打个电话“,比如:
◇I’ll give you a ring later in the week.这个星期晚些时候我会给你打电话。
再扩展一个关于ring的高频表达:The phone is ringing off the hook. 表示”电话响个不停“。电影《爆炸新闻》和《摩登家庭》都出现了这个表达:
👉08 (28:40)
use sth to one's advantage
use/turn sth to one's advantage 表示“利用某事物,将某事物转化为有利条件”(to use something that you have or that happens in order to achieve something )。比如“
她很好地利用了家族的人脉:She used her family connections to good advantage.
只要在她面前暴露了软肋,她就会利用这点达到她的目的:Show any weakness in front of her, and she'll use it to her advantage.
👉 09 (26:59)
in a pickle
pickle本义是”泡菜,腌菜“,引申为”困境,窘境“,in a pickle表示”处于困境,处境窘迫“,英文释义是in a difficult or unpleasant situation。比如Companies find themselves in a pickle when their markets change.公司在市场发生变化时会发现自己身陷困境。
类似的表达还有in a jam,表示”陷入困境“ (to be in a difficult situation)。美剧《无耻之徒》和《绝望的主妇》都出现过这一表达:
短语in a bind也可以表示”陷入困境,进退维谷“(in a difficult situation that you do not know how to get out of),我在电影《婚姻故事》以及《经济学人》里都遇见过:
总结:我们可以用in a pickle/bind/jam替换我们熟悉的in trouble, in a mess。
sth does/works wonders for sb/sth
pluck up the courage to do sth
get up the nerve to do sth
have/get butterflies in my stomach
use/turn sth to one's advantage
agree to disagree
give sb a ring
The phone is ringing off the hook.
surprise, surprise
7.如何表达”遇到麻烦”,替换in trouble, in a mess?
in a pickle, in a bind, in a jam
👉 01 (59:00)
go on about sth
go on about 表示“唠叨,抱怨,发牢骚”,相当于to keep talking about something, in a way that is boring or annoying。比如:
他总是没完没了地说他的孩子:He is aways going on about his children.
她总是没完没了地说她的男朋友:She is aways going on about her boyfriend.
如果程度更深,我们可以说 go on and on and on about sth。
👉 02 (56:51)
boss around
boss 除了作名词指“老板”,还可作动词,短语boss sb around 表示“对...发号施令”(to tell sb what to do in an aggressive and / or annoying way)。比如:
◇I'm sick of you bossing me around! 我讨厌你对我指手画脚。
近义表达还有 push around, order around, lord it over。
push sb around/about指“粗暴命令;任意摆布”(to give orders to sb in a rude or unpleasant way)。
lord it over sb 表示“颐指气使,发号施令,指手画脚”(If someone lords it over you, they act in a way that shows that they think they are better than you, especially by giving lots of orders)。比如:
◇Alex seemed to enjoy lording it over the three girls.亚历克斯好像很喜欢对这3个丫头发号施令。
👉03 (12:50)
let sb in on sth
let sb in on sth 表示“让...得知,向...透露”(If you let someone in on something that is a secret from most people, you allow them to know about it)。比如:
◇Are you going to let them in on your plans? 你是不是打算让他们知道你的计划呀?
👉04 (32:17)
reason with sb
reason with sb 是一个动词短语,指"和...讲道理,规劝"(to talk to sb in order to persuade them to be more sensible)。比如:
◇I tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't listen. 我尽量跟他讲道理,可他就是不听。
👉05 (49:43)
be fed up
be fed up (with sb / sth)字面义是“被喂饱了”,表示“厌倦,不耐烦”(bored or unhappy, especially with a situation that has continued for too long)。比如:
我等她等烦了:I'm fed up with waiting for her.
人们厌烦这么多的交通堵塞:People are fed up with all these traffic jams.
👉06 (09:38)
have the stomach to do sth
Don’t go and see this film unless you have a strong stomach.如果没有很强的承受力就不要去看这部电影。
The surgeon didn't have the stomach to look at Kelly's face.外科医生不敢看凯莉的脸。
stomach也可作动词,本义是”吃得下“,意思引申为”欣然接受,欣赏“( to approve of sth and be able to enjoy it; to enjoy being with a person),一般用于疑问句或否定句,比如:
◇I can't stomach violent films.我不喜欢暴力片。
◇Rob found Cathy’s attitude hard to stomach.罗布觉得凯茜的态度让他受不了。
👉07 (01:00:28)
come by sth
come by sth 指”弄到,得到“(to manage to get sth)。比如外刊里的高频句型sth is hard to come by. 某事难以获得。比如:
如今找工作很难:Jobs are hard to come by these days.
在农村地区,很难找到英语杂志:In rural areas, English language magazines are rather hard to come by.
👉08 (55:37)
get on well with sb
get on well with sb 表示”与...相处融洽、和睦“(If you get on with someone, you like them and have a friendly relationship with them)。
get along with sb 也表示“与...和睦相处”(If you get along with someone, you have a friendly relationship with them. You can also say that two people get along)。
hit it off (with sb) 表示“与某人一拍即合、一见如故,合得来”(if two people hit it off, they like each other as soon as they meet)。
01 (47:24)
This is hard for me to say.
This hard for me to say. 这是口语里很高频的表达,表示”这句话我很难开口,难以启齿“,后面往往用but引出难以启齿的话。有点像汉语里”有句话我不知道当讲不当讲“,但一般只要这句话一说出来,就是要讲的了😄
1.This is really hard for me, but... 2.There's no easy way to say this, but...
02 (01:10:56)
We don't have all day.
We don't have all day. 字面上是”我们没有一整天的时间“,意思就是”没有那么多时间,时间不多了“,用来催促别人动作快点,这也是一个口语里经常用到的表达。
go on about sth
boss sb around
push sb around
order sb around
lord it over sb
let sb in on sth
reason with sb
be fed up (with sth)
sth is hard to come by.
get on/along well with sb
hit it off with sb
This is hard for me to say, but...
This is really hard for me, but...
There's no easy way to say this, but...
Quickly, Please. We don't have all day.