挑战:翻译Human Interface Guildeline

挑战:翻译Human Interface Guildeline

作者: 紧松 | 来源:发表于2019-06-03 00:05 被阅读0次

    Apple developer: Human Interface Guildeline for iOS 

    立个flag,今年把Human Interface Guildeline for iOS译完。

    1. iOS

    1.1 Themes

    1.2 Interface Essentials

    2. App Architecture

    2.1 Loading

    2.2 Modality

    2.3 Navigation

    2.4 Onboarding

    2.5 Requesting Permission

    2.6 Settings

    3. User Interaction

    3.1 3D Touch

    3.2 Apple Pencil

    3.3 Audio

    3.4 Authentication

    3.5 Data Entry

    3.6 Drag and Drop

    3.7 Feedback

    3.8 File Handling

    3.9 Gestures

    3.10 Near Field Communication

    3.11 Undo and Redo

    4. System Capabilities

    4.1 Augmented Reality

    4.2 Multitasking

    4.3 Notifications

    4.4 Printing

    4.5 Quick Look

    4.6 Ratings and Reviews

    4.7 Screenshots

    4.8 TV Providers

    5. Visual Design

    5.1 Adaptivity and Layout

    5.2 Animation

    5.3 Branding

    5.4 Color

    5.5 Terminology

    5.6 Typography

    5.7 Video

    6. Icons and Images

    6.1 Image Size and Resolution

    6.2 App Icon

    6.3 Custom Icons

    6.4 Launch Screen

    6.5 System Icons

    7. Bars

    7.1 Navigation Bars

    7.2 Search Bars

    7.3 Status Bars

    7.4 Tab Bars

    7.5 Toolbars


    8.1 Action Sheets

    8.2 Activity Views

    8.3 Alerts

    8.4 Collections

    8.5 Image Views

    8.6 Maps

    8.7 Pages

    8.8 Popovers

    8.9 Scroll Views

    8.10 Split Views

    8.11 Tables

    8.12 Text Views

    8.13 Web Views

    9. Controls

    9.1 Buttons

    9.2 Edit Menus

    9.3 Labels

    9.4 Page Controls

    9.5 Pickers

    9.6 Progress Indicators

    9.7 Refresh Content Controls

    9.8 Segmented Controls

    9.9 Sliders

    9.10 Steppers

    9.11 Switches

    9.12 Text Fields

    10. Extensions

    10.1 Custom Keyboards

    10.2 Document Providers

    10.3 Home Screen Actions

    10.4 Messaging

    10.5 Photo Editing

    10.6 Sharing and Actions

    10.7 Widgets



          本文标题:挑战:翻译Human Interface Guildeline
