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    1 Peter 1:17-21 彼得前书 1:17-21
    17 And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile, 18 knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. 20 He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you 21 who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God. 17你们既称那不偏待人、按各人行为审判的主为父,就当存敬畏的心,过你们寄居的日子; 18因为知道你们得赎,脱去你们祖先传下的妄行,不是凭着能坏的金银等物,19而是凭着基督的宝血,就像无瑕疵无玷污的羊羔的血。 20基督是在创立世界以前,是神所预知的,却在这末后的世代才为你们显现出来。 21藉着他,你们信那使他从死人中复活、又给他荣耀的神,叫你们的信心和盼望都在于神。
    Introduction: What do you fear most? 引言:你最怕什么?
    One of the ways to get to know someone’s heart at a deep level is to ask them about what they fear. Why is that? Because what we fear can reveal a lot about us. It can show us where our hope is and where our trust is. Fear can cripple the body and the mind if we think we are in danger of losing something we hope in or have come to depend on – whether that be a person, a comfort or convenience we’ve grown used to – like our health or our finances. 了解一个人内心的办法之一就是问他们最怕什么。为什么?因为我们所害怕的能反映出很多关于我们自身的情况。它能让我们知道我们的盼望在哪里,我们的信仰在哪里。当我们以为自己陷于失去盼望或所依赖对象的危险,恐惧能让我们的躯体和心灵都陷于瘫痪。那盼望或依赖的对象可能是一个人、或是某种我们习以为常的舒适和方便—比如我们的健康和经济来源。
    Yet, despite the way fear can be seen as mainly negative, we have to admit that it serves a purpose at times, doesn’t it? Our family went to Florida several times growing up and there were always signs near these little ponds outside of businesses and even resorts that said, “Alligators sometimes present.” That developed a healthy fear in us to not get too close to the pond – for our own good and safety. 然而,尽管恐惧被看成主要是负面的,我们还是得承认有时它是有意义的,不是吗?我们家去过好几次佛罗里达,在商场甚至景区附近的小池里总是有个牌子写着:“鳄鱼出没。”这有助于我们建立良性的恐惧,不要离池子太近,那是为我们的好处和安全。
    Fear has a way of helping shape our hearts and therefore changing our behavior. And so, it is good to stop and ask ourselves often, “what am I most afraid of”? to diagnose where our hearts are hoping and why we’re doing what we’re doing. Now, with those things in mind, let me just tell you the main point of our passage this morning. 恐惧可以帮助我们塑造心灵,从而改变行为。因此不时停下来扪心自问“我最害怕什么?”是有益处的,可以用来诊断我们心中的盼望,以及我们为什么要做现在做的事情。现在先记住这些,让我来告诉你们今天早上信息的要点是什么。
    Peter exhorts his readers to “conduct themselves in the fear of their Father throughout the time of their exile.” In other words, my job this morning is to help you properly fear your heavenly Father with the goal that it would shape our hearts and our conduct. My desire this morning is that we would fear our Father more than we fear anything else and that it would shape us as a people. And I believe, that if we properly fear our Father – it will increase our hope and trust in him in a way that brings our good and shines forth his glory. 彼得劝勉他的读者们“当存敬畏的心,过你们寄居的日子。”换句话说,我今天早上的主要任务就是帮助大家恰如其分地敬畏你们天上的父,为的是塑造我们的心灵和行为。我今天早上的希望是我们要敬畏我们的父远超任何一切,从而塑造我们成为神的子民。我也相信,如果我们恰如其分地敬畏我们的父—这将增进我们对祂的盼望和信靠,从而给我们带来益处,也能闪耀出祂的荣耀。
    So, here is my outline: Walk in fear a) knowing the impartial discipline of your Father, and b) knowing the precious, freeing blood of Your Savior. Let’s dive in. 这是我的纲要:行在敬畏中a)知道你们天父不偏待人,也b)知道你们救主的血是宝贵,让人得自由的。让我们来一一分解。
    Walk in Fear... 行在敬畏中……
    So, let me just take a minute to define this word for “fear” from 1 Peter itself. 所以,让我花一分钟从彼得前书中得出“敬畏”的定义。
    Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. Servants, be subject to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the unjust. (1 Peter 2:17-18) 要尊重众人,爱护弟兄,敬畏 神,尊敬君王。你们作仆人的,要凡事敬畏顺服主人,不单是对善良温和的,就是乖僻的也要顺服。(彼得前书2:17-18)
    We see the word 2x in these verses. We are to fear God and household servants are to submit to their masters with all fear – same word. We find this word in the context of relationships. In other words, it is a personal, relationally-based fear. Honor the emperor – because of who he is to you! Submit to your master with all fear – because of who he is to you. And fear God – implied because of who he is to you. 我们看到这段话中有个词出现了两次。我们要敬畏神,作仆人的要敬畏顺服主人——同样的词。我们发现这个词是用在人际关系中。换句话说,这是基于个人关系的敬畏。尊敬君王——因为他对你们而言是君王!敬畏主人,因为他对你们而言是主人。而敬畏神,也是因为祂是你们的神。
    Wives are supposed to win their ungodly husbands without a word “when they see your respectful and pure conduct.” (3:2) I think that means the ungodly husband sees his wife’s reverence and purity towards God. Her trembling before God is meant to help him tremble. 作妻子的要赢得她们不信道的丈夫,不是用言语,而是“因为他们看见了你们敬畏和纯洁的生活。”(彼得前书3:2)我想那意思就是不信道的丈夫看见他妻子对神的敬畏和纯洁。她在神面前战兢,是为了帮助他战兢。
    Or in 3:5-6 we see that the “holy women who hoped in God” are those who do not “fear anything that is frightening.” Why did they not fear anything frightening? I think because they were filled with more trembling towards the God they had put all their hope in than afraid of anything else this world could take from them. 或者在3章5-6节中我们看到“仰望 神的圣洁妇女”就是那些“不怕任何恐吓”的。为什么她们不怕任何恐吓?我想因为她们更敬畏让她寄以全部希望的神,远超这世上任何一切。
    Or in 3:14 where Peter is telling these people that persecution is likely coming: 或在3章14节中彼得告诉这些人逼迫就要来了:
    But even if you should suffer for righteousness' sake, you will be blessed. Have no fear of them, nor be troubled. 就算你们要为义受苦,也是有福的。“不要怕人的恐吓,也不要畏惧。”
    So, don’t fear the persecution, instead of fear that makes them deny God– what should they do? 所以,不要怕逼迫,而是要怕让他们否认神的事——他们应当做什么?
    In your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect. (3:15) 只要心里尊基督为圣,以他为主;常常作好准备,去回答那些问你们为甚么怀有盼望的人,但要用温柔敬畏的心回答。(3:15-16a)
    Their hearts should regard Christ as holy and they should give a reason for the hope that is in them with gentleness and fear – same word. I think this means they are gentle towards those that persecute them – but filled with trembling before God. In other words, they don’t fear persecution and deny the faith – because they fear being unfaithful to the holy God more than any persecution. 他们的心应当尊基督为圣,他们也当以温柔敬畏的心去回答他们心怀盼望的原因——同样的词又出现了。我想这意思是要温柔对待逼迫他们的人——但要在神面前敬畏战兢。换句话说,他们不因为害怕逼迫而否认信仰——因为他们害怕对圣洁的神不忠心,超过害怕任何逼迫。
    So, in 1 Peter – and I think the rest of the Bible – this word has the idea of a reverence towards a person -usually God - because of our relationship with them. We know who they are and how we ought to relate to them. Lets examine how Peter is unpacking that in our passage. 所以,在彼得前书中——我想在整部圣经中也是—这个词表达的是对某个人的尊敬—通常是神—因为我们与他的关系。我们知道他们是谁,我们应该如何对待他们。让我们来看彼得如何解释。
    Knowing the Impartial Discipline of Your Father (v.17) 知道你们的父不偏待人(17节)
    And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one's deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile. 你们既称那不偏待人、按各人行为审判的主为父,就当存敬畏的心,过你们寄居的日子
    Let me just draw out a couple themes we’ve seen in the book already. God is our Father. We saw in verse 14 that we are “obedient children.” We even see this theme as those who are “born again” to a living hope. 让我回顾一下这封书信出现过的主题。神是我们的父。我们在14节中看到我们是“顺服的儿女”。我们也在“重生”获得永活的盼望中看到这一主题。
    We are elect exiles. We are a people that belong to the family of God – and we feel a homesickness while we are here. We don’t quite fit in. We aren’t satisfied because we’re longing for the fullness of our adoption in the presence of our Father forever. 我们是蒙拣选的寄居者。我们是属于神家的人——我们在这里时怀着乡愁。我们不是很适合这里。我们不满足,因为我们企盼在父面前的全然满足。
    And while we are in this place that is not our home and as children of God we are called to conduct ourselves with fear of our Father. Why? We don’t normally think of the Fatherhood of God as a reason to fear. 我们在这个不是我们家的地方,作为神的儿女我们被召要敬畏我们的父。为什么?我们通常不认为神的父格是敬畏的理由。
    In fact, just a week or so ago I recorded a devotional for the South Campus from Romans 8:15: 实际上,在大概一周之前我为南堂录了一段灵修,讲的是罗马书8:15
    For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” 你们接受的,不是奴仆的灵,使你们仍旧惧怕;你们接受的,是使人成为嗣子的灵,使我们呼叫“阿爸、父” 。
    So, there it says we can cry “Abba, Father” and we don’t have to fear! Here it says, we cry out to our Father and we should fear. So, which is it? Well, it’s both. In Romans 8, we are set free from the fear of condemnation because we are no longer enslaved to sin. We belong to the family. 那里说我们可以呼叫“阿爸、父”因此我们不用惧怕。这里却说我们呼叫我们的父,因此我们应当敬畏。那个才对?两个都对。在罗马书8章,我们从惧怕定罪中得释放,因为我们不再被罪所奴役。我们属于神的家。
    That means the fear of God in 1 Peter 1 is not a fear of condemnation. So, what is it? Peter wants us to know that our Father is also always impartially judging. The judging in this verse is present tense – that means he’s doing it now. What is he judging? Our work. Our conduct. 那意味着彼得前书1章中的敬畏神不是因为害怕定罪。那又是什么呢?彼得希望我们知道我们的父一贯不偏待人。这一节中的审判是现在时态——意味着祂现在就在审判。祂在审判什么?我们的工作,我们的行为。
    So, the picture is a Father watching the way his children conduct themselves with impartiality. In other words, we don’t get a pass to act however we want to as his children, but instead we are “called to be holy because he is holy.” We are called to bear a family resemblance. We are called to become who we are as a part of the family of God. What will he do if he finds us walking in ways that don’t accord with his holiness? 那就是说,父在鉴察祂的儿女们的行为,不怀偏心。换句话说,我们作为祂的儿女并没有任意妄为的通行证,反而“蒙召成为圣洁,因为祂是圣洁。”我们蒙召要承载家族的相似性。我们蒙召要成为神家的成员。要是祂发现我们的行为不合乎祂的圣洁,祂会怎么样呢?
    For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:17) 因为审判从 神的家开始,就在这时候了。如果先从我们起头,那不信从 神福音的人,结局将要怎样呢?(彼得前书4:17)
    Notice that the picture here is of a household, with a Father who is God. He’s not going to let his blood-bought family continue in their sinfulness. He’s going to refine them. He’s going to discipline them. In 1 Corinthians 11:31-32, when the church in Corinth is making a mockery of the Lord’s Supper, Paul says something instructive for our passage. 请注意这里说的是家事,家父就是上帝。祂不会袖手让祂血赎的家人继续活在罪中。祂要净化他们。祂要管教他们。在哥林多前书11:31-32中,哥林多教会玩忽圣餐,保罗说了一些教导:
    But if we judged ourselves truly, we would not be judged. But when we are judged by the Lord, we are disciplined so that we may not be condemned along with the world. 31 我们若仔细省察自己,就不会受审判了。 32 然而我们被主审判的时候,是受他的管教,免得和世人一同被定罪
    This ongoing, impartial judgment will lead to the loving, painful discipline of a Father who loves us too much to let us cozy up with our sin as if it won’t destroy us. We know from Hebrews 12 that we know we are children of God because he disciplines us. 这种持续的,不偏心的审判会带来天父慈爱而痛苦的管教,祂太爱我们,不允许我们安享罪中之乐,好像罪不会摧毁我们似的。我们从希伯来书12章知道,我们能知道自己是神的儿女,就因为祂管教我们。
    Our Father wants what is best for us, so he sets forth commands that are meant to lead us into full, abundant life and shine forth his glory – and then because he loves us – he disciplines us when we are breaking those commands that will lead us into death and the dishonoring of his name. 我们的父想要把最好的给我们,所以祂赐下诫命,为的是我带领我们进入圆满丰盛的生命,闪耀祂的荣耀—因为祂爱我们—当我们违背诫命,陷于死亡和亵渎祂名的危险中时,祂就管教我们。
    My dad was a city administrator growing up. This meant that lots of people knew him and my actions would reflect on our family. My actions would reflect our family and his name in our community. I had never had any doubts that if I was found doing something destructive or that would bring dishonor to our family that I would get special treatment. I knew that it would be impartial. And there were at least a few times I can remember, where in my foolishness at that time of my life, I wanted to do things that were destructive, but I was held back from doing it, knowing the discipline that would come and the dishonor it would bring my family. 从我小时候起我爸爸就是个市政府官员。这意味着很多人认识他,我的行为体现出我们家庭。在我们的社区中我的行为代表我们家和父亲的名声。要是我被发现做了什么破坏性的事,或者败坏家庭的名誉,我从不觉得我会有什么特别优待。我知道我不会被偏待。我记得有过那么几次,因着我早年的愚蠢,我曾想做些具破坏性的事,但我忍住没做,因为我知道会有什么管教,也会给我们家带来什么样名誉上的损害。
    We fear as beloved, obedient children born again to a living hope, with a sure inheritance - this fear is fear of the discipline of a Father who is a watching our work and means for us a to bear a family resemblance - to love what he loves and turn away from what he says is evil. He’s doing this for our good and for his name. 我们敬畏,是作为蒙爱、顺服的儿女,被重生得着永活的盼望,有着确定的基业—这种敬畏是害怕天父的管教,祂在监察我们的工作,也是为要我们带上家族的样式——爱祂所爱,转离祂说是邪恶的东西。祂做这些是为我们的好,也为祂的名。
    Knowing the Precious, Freeing Blood of Your Savior (vv.18-21) 知道我们救主的血是宝贵,让人得自由的(18-21节)
    Knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. (1:18-19) 18 因为知道你们得赎,脱去你们祖先传下的妄行,不是凭着能坏的金银等物, 19 而是凭着基督的宝血,就像无瑕疵无玷污的羊羔的血。(1:18-19)
    We often think of our ransom as simply our deliverance from the penalty of sin. We often think of the blood of Jesus as simply paying for the penalty of sin. But here, it says the precious blood of Jesus Christ – more precious than any silver or gold this world could bring, ransomed us from futile ways we inherited. It didn’t just free us from the penalty of sin – amazing news as that is. 我们常常以为我们得赎仅仅是从我们罪的刑罚中解脱。我们常常以为耶稣的血仅仅是偿还罪的刑罚。但这里,他说耶稣基督的宝血——远超世上的金银,赎我们脱去祖先传下来的妄行。它不仅仅是让我们免于罪的刑罚——这是多么奇妙的好消息!
    Last week, Pastor Steven pointed us to Peter’s reference to Leviticus and our call to be holy because God is holy. Well, in these verses we see Leviticus linked with Exodus. Listen to Exodus 12:5 as Israel prepared for the Passover where God would pass over their housheholds because of the blood of the Lamb and ransom them from slavery in Egypt: 上周,司提反牧师向我们指出彼得引用的是利未记,我们蒙召成为圣洁是因为神是圣洁。在今天这些经节中我们看到利未记也关联着出埃及记。请听出埃及记12章5节,当以色列预备逾越节,当时神要越过他们涂了羔羊血的房子,赎他们脱离埃及的奴役:
    Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male a year old. You may take it from the sheep or from the goats. 你们的羊羔要毫无残疾,一岁以内的公羊;你们可以从绵羊或山羊里取
    Peter is bringing the story of redemption together here. Who is the ultimate Passover lamb? Jesus Christ. They are not ransomed with silver or gold that perish. They are not paid for with material goods. They are set free from their slavery to sin like Israel was set free from their bondage to Egypt by the precious blood of the Son of God – the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world! 彼得在把救赎的故事都放在一起。谁是终极的逾越节羔羊?耶稣基督。他们不是用能朽坏的金银所赎的。他们不是用财货来偿付。他们被救脱罪的奴役,正如以色列当年被救脱埃及的奴役,是藉着神儿子的宝血——神的羔羊除去世人罪孽的!
    And what was expected of Israel as they were redeemed by the blood of the Lamb? They were to be Holy because their God was holy. They were to be set apart and live differently in light of their redemption. They were to live differently in their sojourning while they waited for the promised land. Peter is connecting Exodus and Leviticus here. A people redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and called to become like their Father. What did God call Israel? 当以色列人藉着羔羊的血得赎以后,他们被寄以什么期望?他们要成为圣洁,因为他们的神是圣洁。他们要被分别为圣,照着得赎的身份活出不同的生命来。他们在旅程中等候应许之地。彼得在这里把出埃及记和利未记连接起来。以色列是藉着羔羊的血得赎,蒙召要像他们的天父的一群子民。神呼召以色列做什么?
    Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the LORD, Israel is my firstborn son, and I say to you, “Let my son go that he may serve me.” If you refuse to let him go, behold, I will kill your firstborn son.’” (Exodus 4:22-23) 22 你要对法老说:‘耶和华这样说:以色列是我的长子。 23 我曾对你说,要让我的儿子离开这里,好叫他事奉我。你还是拒绝让他离开,看哪! 我必杀你的长子。’”(出埃及记4:22-23)
    Israel was his firstborn son. Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and called to holiness in their exile. We saw in the introduction that we are elect exiles “for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood.” We are to walk in holy trembling before our Father because the precious blood of Jesus was spilled to set us free from vain ways. This is what we were redeemed for. And your redemption by the blood of Jesus to walk in holiness has been planned for a little while. 以色列是祂的长子。藉着羔羊的血得赎,在寄居中蒙召成为圣洁。我们在引言中看到我们是蒙拣选的寄居者“因而顺服,并且被耶稣基督的血洒过的人。”我们要行在圣洁中,在父面前战兢,因为耶稣的宝血洒在我们身上,让我们脱离妄行。这是我们得赎的目的。而你因耶稣宝血得赎以行在圣洁中是早被预定了的。
    He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and agave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God. (1:20-21) 20 基督是在创立世界以前,是 神所预知的,却在这末后的世代才为你们显现出来。 21 藉着他,你们信那使他从死人中复活、又给他荣耀的 神,叫你们的信心和盼望都在于 神。(1:20-21)
    This blood shed to set us free has been planned before the foundation of the world. The Son of God, who was loved by his Father since eternity past, entered into our mess in these last days for our sake. The last time we saw the word foreknown was in 1:2 when it said we are elect exiles according to the foreknowledge of God the Father. 这血洒下来为让我们得自由是在创世之前就计划好的。神的儿子,在亘古的永恒里就蒙父所爱,为我们的缘故在这末世进入这混乱污浊的世界。上次我们看到预知是在1章2节中,它说我们“照着父 神的预知”是蒙拣选的寄居者。
    Jesus was loved before the foundation of the world by his Father and he came in these last days to shed his blood and set free the people loved by God before the foundation of the world. He came for us, died to set us free, and was raised up by his Father all as part of a plan made before the foundation of the world. 耶稣在创世之前就蒙父所爱,在这末世降临洒下宝血,为要释放在创世之前就蒙神所爱的子民。祂为我们而来,为我们得自由而死,又被父神复活高举,这一切都是创世之前都定好的计划。
    In her commentary on 1 Peter Karen Jobes says it this way: God knew the complete program of redemption before the foundation of the world. 格伦·约贝斯在她的彼得前书注解中这样说:神在创世之前就知道救赎的整个计划。
    Does that make you tremble? Does that make you walk in fear of forsaking God more than anything else? Christian, you have been loved by your Father from before the foundation of the world. The Son of God came to set you free from your bondage to sin by his precious blood. You’ve been sanctified, set apart as holy, by the Holy Spirit into the family of God (1:2). 这让你觉得战兢了吗?这让你更害怕离弃神远超其余一切了吗?基督徒,你在创世之前已经蒙父神所爱。神的儿子来用宝血救你脱离罪的捆绑。你已经被圣灵成圣,分别为圣,进入神的家(1章2节)。
    You’ve been liberated at great cost. You’re exiles in this world because you’ve been redeemed from the futile ways of this world. God means to work this holiness in you because he’s paid for it by the blood of Jesus for your good and his glory. 你们已经被重价赎得自由。你们是在这世界的寄居者,因为你们已经被赎脱离这世界的妄行。神定意要让你成为圣洁因为祂付上了耶稣宝血的代价,为了你的好处,也为了祂的荣耀。
    As you get ready to click on that link again. Or as you get ready to say that harsh word again. Or as you get ready to give in to that addiction again. Or as you get ready to grow impatient again. Or as you get ready to gossip or linger on that bitter thought again. Or as you get ready to run to the money, power, and prestige the world values again. Or as you get ready to entertain that self-righteousness again. Or as you get ready to be envious again. 当你就要再次点击那个(黄色)链接,或当你就要再次说那刻薄的话,或当你就要重拾旧瘾,或当你就要失去耐心,或当你就要说闲言蜚语,让苦毒再次翻滚,或当你就要再次追逐世人所看重的金钱、权力、名利地位,或当你就要在自义中沾沾自喜,或当你就要妒火攻心的时候,
    Remember, your Father who loves you too much to let you continue in sin is watching. He is judging your work. He will discipline you if you wander from his commands. His commands flow from his character and are meant to draw you into life. As you remember that, let a holy, loving fear flow into your heart and give you pause. See the sign about alligators in the pond and pause. Don’t go into the water even though it looks inviting and refreshing. 要记得,那如此爱你、不会让你继续犯罪的父正在监察一切。祂在审判你所作的。祂要管教你,如果你偏离祂的诫命。祂的诫命从祂的品格中流出,是要让你得生命。当你记得这些,让那圣洁、有爱的敬畏深入你的心,让你悬崖勒马。看到那池边提示鳄鱼出没的牌子,停下脚步,不要下水,哪怕池水看起来很惹人喜爱,让人神清气爽。
    Pause. Then tremble with great joy before your Father who sees you in that moment and remember he sent his Son to set you free from these futile ways. He knew this moment was coming before the foundation of the world, he loved you while you were yet a sinner, and sent his Son to pay for your sins and set you free from your futile ways. He redeemed you to bear a family resemblance, welcome you into true life, and walk in true fellowship with him as obedient children. 停住。然后在那一刻正看着你的父面前喜极战兢,记得祂曾差祂儿子救你脱离妄行。祂在创世之前就知道这一刻要发生的事,在你还是罪人的时候祂就爱你,差祂儿子为你的罪偿付代价,救你脱离虚妄之行。祂赎你让你打上神家的印记,迎接你进入真实的生命,作顺服的孩子,行在与祂真实的同在里。
    Tremble in that moment remembering the impartial discipline of your Father and the eternal plan to spill the precious blood of your Savior to give you the power to turn from the pond and run just a block down the street to the ocean with sandy beaches and beautiful waves that you almost didn’t get to because you couldn’t see it when the pond full of alligators looked so good. 在那一刻因记得你的父不偏待人而战兢,在祂永恒的意旨中洒下你救主的宝血,赐予你力量转离那水池,走过一个街区,到那海边,有宜人沙滩和美丽的浪花,而这一切你差一点就因为被鳄鱼池水迷惑而看不到了。
    Application: Faith and Hope that Shines (end of v.21) 应用:闪耀的信心和盼望(21节后半)
    And as elect exiles, bearing a family resemblance our fear of our Father will serve our faith and our hope in way that shines to the world. 作为蒙拣选的寄居者,承载着家族的样式印记,我们对父的敬畏会帮助我们的信心和盼望在这世上发光。
    Fear increases our hope because it helps us not be distracted by other things but keep our eyes on Jesus. We could be tempted to hope in worldly things, but the fear of God helps us fix our eyes on Jesus and hope fully in the work of God for us in Christ and the plan from eternity past that will stretch into eternity future for our good as we dwell in his glory. 敬畏助长我们的盼望,因为它帮助我们不被其它事物所迷惑,而定睛耶稣。我们可能被诱惑去盼望属世之事,但敬畏神帮助我们定睛耶稣,全心盼望神在基督里为我们所作的工作,以及那从亘古的永恒延伸到未来的永恒的意旨,为我们的益处,让我们住在祂的荣耀里。
    Fear increases our faith, because it points us back to what God and builds our trust that his way is better than the way of the world. We could be tempted to trust in the things of this world, but the fear of God helps us realize we must trust our faithful, loving, disciplining Father and his eternal plan of redemption through his Son. 敬畏助长我们的信心,因为它指向过去神为我们所作的,造就我们相信祂的道路远胜过世上其它的道路。我们可能会被诱惑去相信这属世的事物,但敬畏神帮助我们意识到我们相信我们信实、慈爱、管教的父,以及藉着祂儿子救赎的永恒意旨。
    Christian, there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuels veins, that was planned before the foundation of the world – to save us from our sins and set us free from our foolish ways. The fear of God points us back to the sacrifice of the Son and the Father who planned it as our greatest treasure so that we fear losing fellowship with God more than anything else. 基督徒,有一个泉源充满以马内利血管中流出的宝血,那是在创世之前就定好的计划——要救我们脱离罪,让我们脱离愚蠢的行径。敬畏神的心把我们指向圣父预定的圣子所作出的牺牲,并以此为我们最大的珍宝,让我们不怕失去其它一切,只怕失去与神相交。
    The fear of God reminds us that our faith and hope must be in the precious blood of Jesus Christ alone – for our forgiveness and our holiness. We are saved by his blood to sin no more. 敬畏神的心提醒我们,我们的信心和盼望的对象必须是唯独耶稣基督的宝血—为我们罪得赦免,也为我们得成圣洁。我们藉着他的血得救为了不再犯罪。
    We trust him alone. We hope in him alone. Our then, our faith and hope overflows in love to those around us as redeemed, obedient children. We shine forth a fearful faith in this foreign land we live in that shows God is our ultimate hope – and his ways bring true life. 我们单单信靠祂。我们单单盼望祂。然后我们的信心和盼望就会流露出爱心,作为得赎、顺服的儿女,我们爱周围的人。在这异国他乡我们敬畏的信心闪耀发光,彰显神是我们最终的盼望——祂的道路带来真正的生命。
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    Discussion Questions 讨论问题
    1. What is the main point of 1 Peter 1:17-21? How does that land on you? 1.彼得前书1:17-21的要点是什么?你有什么得着?
    2. What does it mean to “walk in fear”? Why should we fear our heavenly Father? 2.“行在敬畏中”是什么意思?我们为什么要敬畏我们的天父?
    3. What does it mean that God judges us “impartially”? How is this judgment and fear (v. 17) different from what we experienced before we were born again into the family of God? 3.神“不偏待”地审判我们是什么意思?这样的审判和害怕(第17节)与我们在重生进入神家之前有何不同?
    4. From what have we been set free? To what have we been set free? 4.我们从什么中得释放,要去做什么?
    5. Why does Peter emphasize the preciousness of the blood of Jesus? 5.为什么彼得要强调耶稣之血的宝贵?
    6. Why does Peter emphasize the eternality of God’s plan for our holiness? 6.为什么彼得要强调神命定我们要成为圣洁的计划是永恒的?
    Application Questions 应用问题
    1. Evaluate your own life. Do you walk in this kind of trembling before your heavenly Father? Do you seek to walk in holiness because of the preciousness of the blood of Jesus? 1.评估你自己的生命。你有没有在天父面前如此战兢而行?你有没有因着耶稣之血的宝贵而寻求行在圣洁里?
    2. As “elect exiles,” what might God do among our own neighbors, families, and friends if we walk in a way in which we fear God more than anything else? 2.作为“蒙拣选的寄居者”,如果我们敬畏神甚于其余一切,神将在我们的邻舍、家人和朋友中间作什么样的工?



