Ch01-05 吃早餐

Ch01-05 吃早餐

作者: wxl_dl | 来源:发表于2019-11-21 17:06 被阅读0次

It's time for breakfast. 该吃早餐了。

Come and eat your breakfast. 来吃早餐吧。

Sit at the table. 坐餐桌旁。

Dad, come and eat with us. 爸爸,来和我们一起吃早餐。

Can you call your brother, too?  你可以也教一下你弟弟吗?

Who wants to help me set the table? 谁想帮我摆餐桌?

Can you put the spoons on the table? 你可以把汤匙摆在餐桌上吗?

Let's say grace before we eat. 吃饭前,先来祈祷吧。

Let's have breakfast. 吃早餐吧。

How is it? Insn't it good? 怎么样?好吃吗?

Don't you like it? 你不喜欢吗?

Don't you feel like eating? 没胃口吗?

Why aren't you eating? 你为什么不吃?

I don't feel liking eating much.  我不怎么想吃。

I can't eat in the  morning. 我早上不想吃东西。

Eating breakfast makes you strong. 吃早餐, 会让你更强壮。

Just take one more bite. 再多吃一口。

Just try and see if it's good. 吃一口看看好不好吃。

You'll be late. Hurry up and eat. 要迟到了,快吃。

Let's drink some water. 喝点水。

Don't spill the milk. 不要让牛奶洒出来。

I can't reach that dish. 我夹不到菜。

There is too much rice. 米饭太多了。

I'll feed you. 我来喂你。

It's too hot. 太烫了。

Blow on your food to cool it off. 吹一下,让它冷一点。

Are you finished? 你吃完了吗?

Stop eating now. 现在不要吃了。

I can't eat any more. 我再也吃不下了。

I'm full.我饱了。

Can't I leave some? 不可以剩一点吗?

Is it okay if I don't finish it all? 可以不要全部吃完吗?

I'm almost done eating. 我几乎都吃了。

Looks good. Thank you! 看起来好好吃。谢谢!

Thank you for the nice meal. 感谢你这么好吃的一餐。

The food was fabulous. Thanks. 食物相当好吃。 谢谢!


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