

作者: 2a5e6a04341e | 来源:发表于2019-02-20 19:44 被阅读16次


一、2.18 wait wait wait--蔡徐坤

1. carry the weight

[PHRASE 短语] 有分量;有影响力;If a person or their opinion carries weight, they are respected and are able to influence people. [V inflects]

2. nitpicking

[N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词] 挑剔;(尤指)吹毛求疵;If you refer to someone's opinion as nitpicking, you disapprove of the fact that it concentrates on small and unimportant details, especially to try and find fault with something. [disapproval]

3. well-spent: worth the time and money, etc. 

e.g.: It was a well-spent journey. 

4. ecstasy

[N-VAR 可变名词] 狂喜;极乐;Ecstasy is a feeling of very great happiness.

e.g.: My father was in ecstasy when I won my scholarship.

e.g.: She went into ecstasies over actors. 

5. as much as: 虽然、尽管

e.g.: As much as I hate to do it, I must stay home and finish my paper. 尽管我讨厌这样做,但我还是必须呆在家里,把论文写出来。


【例如】I can't leave you here. Much as I'd like to. 我不能把你留在这里。尽管我很想这样。

6. devil 相关的表达

* devil's advocate

[N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词] (讨论或辩论中)故意提出异议的人,有意唱反调的人;If you play devil's advocate in a discussion or debate, you express an opinion which you may not agree with but which is very different to what other people have been saying, in order to make the argument more interesting. [also with det]

* deviled eggs

 hard-boiled eggs, shelled, cut in half, and filled with the hard-boiled egg's yolk mixed with other ingredients such as mayonnaise and mustard, but many other variants exist internationally. Deviled eggs are usually served cold. They are served as a side dishappetizer or a main course, and are a common holiday or party food.

* better the devil you know

[PHRASE 短语] 宁可跟熟识的魔鬼打交道(也比跟未知的魔鬼打交道好);If you say better the devil you know or better the devil you know than the devil you don't know, you mean that you would prefer to have contact with or do business with a person you already know, even though you don't like them, than with a person you don't know. [Mainly BRIT]

* speak/talk of the devil

[PHRASE 短语] 说曹操,曹操到;People say speak of the devil, or in British English talk of the devil, if someone they have just been talking about appears unexpectedly.

7. break down

[PHRASAL VERB 短语动词] 感情失控痛哭起来;If someone breaks down, they lose control of themselves and start crying. [V P]

[PHRASAL VERB 短语动词] 机器或车辆出毛病,损坏;If a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working. [V P]

[PHRASAL VERB 短语动词] 讨论、关系或系统失败,破裂,失灵;If a discussion, relationship, or system breaks down, it fails because of a problem or disagreement. [V P]

8. tardy

[ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词] 晚的;迟到的;If you describe something or someone as tardy, you think that they are later than they should be or later than expected. [LITERARY 文]

二、2.19 Yesterday once more--Carpenters

1. 伴着音乐起舞

dance to the music

2. 幕后英雄

unsung hero

3. (军事)收到

Copy that./ Rodger that. 

4. 始终最喜欢的

all-time favorite

5. 风雨无阻(不管刮风下雨)

through thick and thin

in rain or shine

6. 催人泪下的电影/书

tear-jerker: [n.] a story, song, play, film, or broadcast that moves or is intended to move its audience to tears

page-turner: [n.] an engrossing book or story

[ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词] 十分有趣的;非常吸引人的;Something that is engrossing is very interesting and holds your attention completely. [approval]

[N-COUNT 可数名词] 催人泪下的戏剧(或电影、书籍);If you refer to a play, film, or book as a tear-jerker, you are indicating that it is very sad or sentimental. [Informal]

7. scratch有关的表达

* [PHRASE 短语] 从零开始;从头做起;白手起家;If you do something from scratch, you do it without making use of anything that has been done before. [PHR after v]

* [PHRASE 短语] 苦苦琢磨;绞尽脑汁;If you say that someone is scratching their head, you mean that they are thinking hard and trying to solve a problem or puzzle. [V inflects]

* [PHRASE 短语] 触及表面;隔靴搔痒;浅尝辄止;If you only scratch the surface of a subject or problem, you find out or do a small amount, but not enough to understand or solve it. [V inflects]

8. 美好的旧时光

good old days

goodie oldie days

oldie but goodie

9. 似曾相识

deja vu


10. 让过去成为过去

Let bygones be bygones. 

11. 东山再起/复出

She is a has-been. Now she is trying to make a comeback

[N-COUNT 可数名词] 过气的人物;风光不再的人;If you describe someone as a has-been, you are indicating in an unkind way that they were important or respected in the past, but they are not now. [disapproval]

[N-COUNT 可数名词] (娱乐圈、体育明星等的)复出,东山再起;If someone such as an entertainer or sports personality makes a comeback, they return to their profession or sport after a period away.

[N-COUNT 可数名词] 再度流行;If something makes a comeback, it becomes fashionable again.


Music is an antidote to loneliness and boredom, basically everything. you know, when i was young i'd listen to the radio, waiting for my favorite songs. I grew up listening to Jay Chou's songs, a  musician from Taiwan. 

antidote: [N-COUNT 可数名词] 矫正方法;对抗手段;Something that is an antidote to a difficult or unpleasant situation helps you to overcome the situation. [usu N to n]

三、2.20 Complicated-Avril Lavigne 

1. chill/ chill out在几个语境中的意思

* 放松 To chill out means to relax after you have done something tiring or stressful. [V P] [Informal]=relax/easy 

* 购物时,售货员问may i help you. 可回答 i'm just chilling. 随便逛逛

* chill out=hang out 出去玩

闲逛,逗留;If you hang out in a particular place or area, you go and stay there for no particular reason, or spend a lot of time there. [V P adv/prep] [V P] [Mainly AM] [Informal]

2. let it be:顺其自然,注意连读

3. i like the way you are. 我就喜欢你现在这个样子

4. 一对一 one on one

[ADJ 形容词] 面对面的;一对一的;仅限两人之间的;A one-on-one situation, meeting, or contest involves only two people. [usu ADJ n] [ADV after v] [oft N with n]

5. 呆在原地

stay where you are./ stay put.

6. watch your back

* To be willing and prepared to help or defend someone; 

* to look out for someone in case they need assistance. 

7. complex/complicated区别


e.g.: the problems of property are complicated. 


e.g.:the mechanism of jet engines is complex.


8. nuance

[N-VAR 可变名词] (声音、感受、外貌或意义的)细微差别;A nuance is a small difference in sound, feeling, appearance, or meaning.

e.g.:We can use our eyes and facial expressions to communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion there is.

9. vote with one's feet

 to express one's disapproval or dissatisfaction by leaving

10. come over unannounced 


my mother visited me unannounced. 

11. strike your pose 摆造型


* 罢工 n./v. 动词的短语为:go on strike

* [VERB 动词] (疾病、灾难等)侵袭,爆发;If something such as an illness or disaster strikes, it suddenly happens. [V] [V n]

* [VERB 动词] 突然想到,猛地意识到,一下子想起(想法或念头);If an idea or thought strikes you, it suddenly comes into your mind. [V n] [it V n that/how] [no cont]

* [VERB 动词] 给…印象;让…觉得;If something strikes you as being a particular thing, it gives you the impression of being that thing. [V n as n/adj] [V n as -ing]

he struck me as a very serious but friendly person. 

* [VERB 动词] 打动;把…迷住;If you are struck by something, you think it is very impressive, noticeable, or interesting. [be V-ed by/with n] [V n]

* [V-RECIP 相互动词] 达成(交易或协议);If you strike a deal or a bargain with someone, you come to an agreement with them. [V n with n] [pl-n V n] [V n (non-recip)]

* [VERB 动词] 摆出(姿态);表现出(态度);If you strike a pose or attitude, you put yourself in a particular position, for example when someone is taking your photograph. [V n]

12. crack up

[PHRASAL VERB 短语动词] 使大笑;If you crack up or if someone or something cracks you up, you laugh a lot. [V n P] [V P] [Informal]

[PHRASAL VERB 短语动词] (因精神压力大而)垮掉,崩溃;If someone cracks up, they are under such a lot of emotional strain that they become mentally ill. [V P] [Informal]


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