1月7日晨读笔记 爽约,彼之砒霜吾之蜜糖,有朋自远方来

1月7日晨读笔记 爽约,彼之砒霜吾之蜜糖,有朋自远方来

作者: 米脑斯 | 来源:发表于2019-01-07 13:21 被阅读0次

话题一:爽约 三“责问”两“抱怨”

责问1:What happened yesterday? I waited and waited for you. You forgot our date, didn’t you?


抱怨1:You did? But I tried to call you at least 20 times and nobody answered!


“责问”2:Oh, And what did your sister Maddy do yesterday? Did she and her boyfriend go dancing?


“责问”3: And what did you do? Did you play cards, too?


抱怨2:I just told you, Diana. I tried to call you 20 times!


1.  You stood me up.

2.  You didn’t show up.

3.  There are a lot of no-shows today.

4.  He ditched\missed the date.

1月7日晨读笔记 爽约,彼之砒霜吾之蜜糖,有朋自远方来

话题二:彼之砒霜吾之蜜糖 Junk or keepsakes?


1.  Look at all this junk. What’s in that box? Can you check?

2.  Ok, they can go in recycling.

3.  Can you take a look at that rocking chair? It looks like the back is broken.

4.  Can I ask you a question? Why are you keeping a plastic cuckoo clock?

5.  Are you kidding? Listen to that while I cook? I’d go crazy.

6.  Hey, where are you taking all that junk? Bring it back to the attic!


1.  Recycling? No, I can sell them. People collect old comic books.

2.  I can fix it, I think We could use an extra…

3.  It isn’t plastic. It’s oak. Actually, it was kind of expensive.

4.  It would be perfect for the kitchen, don’t you think?

5.  Junk? You call this junk? These are keepsakes!

话题三: 有朋自远方来


1.  Guess who’s coming to Chicago?

2.  How’d you guess?

3.  When are they going to be in Chicago?

4.  Where in Canada are they going?

5.  Remember the big party they gave when we were in England?


1.    慢下来,慢下来,慢下来

2.  口语中[t]、[d]在结尾时并没有泾渭之别,区别在于元音的长短。

sid sit读作/sid/ /si:t/

3.    口语中如果t在两个元音中,读作[d] 如 forget about it

4.  [r]与[t] 相连,[t] 读作[d], 如sort of

5.  CD、DVD、ABC最后一个字母重读,而不是弱读。

6.  口语中gonna=going to I’m going to =I’m gonna=imna

What are\do\\have you=watcha



      本文标题:1月7日晨读笔记 爽约,彼之砒霜吾之蜜糖,有朋自远方来
