1. teach ~ taught;
2. rootless; take root; money is the root of all evil ;
3. 副词修饰V.词; first of all
4. available;
5. abundant; abundance ; be abundant in sth....
6. 副词在前,形容词在后; vary good;
7. to be scared to do sb,/sth; scare 的过去分词; scarcity/ˈskeəsəti/ n.稀缺;缺乏;不足; thinking ;
scarcity thinking , abundance thinking;
8. donate money, charity; quality time with......
9. quantity ; a large quantity of data ;
10. you deserved it. ; subconscious;
11. originate/əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt/ ; v.起源;创建;发明;发端于; original;