1. fault-tolerant
some stats from yugadb
1. fault-tolerant 2.performance some stats from yugadb
replicas: 1 表示只能运行一个 Pod 实例,当运行数量少于 replicas 时,RC 会根据 tem...
The placement of replicas is critical to HDFS reliability...
31. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地. 32. have an advantage over...
k -n xxxxxx scale deployment xxxxxxx --replicas=0
清早,看了TED的演讲---The happy secret to better work,颇有感触,想行动起来。...
今天与儿子讨论什么是take advantage of others’ Generosity, sympathy。...
2022.02.26雅思真题 Students easily access information online,...
绝大部分人至今都不能自然而然地接受一个简单的事实:钱这个东西,天然就是有利息的。 人们对待知识的态度,实在是比对待...
Failed to place enough replicas: expected size is 1 but o...
本文标题:advantage of multiple replicas