

作者: 怡然恣意 | 来源:发表于2024-02-22 20:35 被阅读0次

今天的课堂上,老师布置课堂写作练习。给出一段Meet to Netizen故事的前半段,先是要求填写空缺的词,然后就接着写完故事。


Lucy had been waiting for the bus for almost one hour. It was a scorching hot day with a temperature of 39 degrees. Her artfully applied make-up was running down her face and her beautifully styled hair was looking very untidy because of the heat; she kept running her fingers through it. She looked at the time again and texted Toby, her friend, saying she will be late.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the bus at last! She got on it quickly and found a seat near the window. She checked her messages but there was no reply. Toby must be too busy to reply to her, she thought. She could send another text but she decided against it.

She got off at Richmond and walked to the café that they had arranged to meet for lunch. After a very difficult morning, she was looking forward to sitting down and ordering a grass of cold drink.

At the café, she was shown to her table. She sat down and checked her messages again. Still no reply! She was a bit worried now. She and Toby met online and had been messaging and talking to each other for over a month. Today was the first time they would be meeting face to face. He is obviously not very punctual, she thought as she decided to send him another message.

While she was writing the message, some one pulled out a chair. She had a big shock. Oh! It wasToby that he was breathless and said so sorry for being late as he had a hard time this morning. She smiled and said no worries! Finally, they had a nice lunch.


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