2019-03-09 Morning Thoughts

2019-03-09 Morning Thoughts

作者: 随机运动 | 来源:发表于2019-03-09 05:55 被阅读10次

Just had a conference call with our project team through the Skype for Business application. It's a blessing for me to be able to join a meeting from across the ocean. I love telecommuting because I am on a personal leave and still can do some company work. Thanks to modern technologies that allow me to work at my parents' house and make live conference calls. The audio and even video are both acceptable. Although we didn't have to have video conferencing. We usually share computer screens to work on some technical details.

As convenience as the telecommuting is to me, it still can't replace person to person communicating. As expected, I will be working less and less as the time drags on. for the nature of my personal leave from work, I can't even hope my personal leave end soon. This is the sacrifice that I decided to make for my parents. I have no complain about my current situations. I pray to God to give me the courage of perseverance to continue my journey.



    本文标题:2019-03-09 Morning Thoughts
