iOS @synthesize 和 @dynamic 区别

iOS @synthesize 和 @dynamic 区别

作者: iOS_肖晨 | 来源:发表于2017-09-29 10:25 被阅读76次

    1. @property中的 @synthesize 和 @dynamic 区别:

    @synthesize will generate getter and setter methods for your property.

    @synthesize 能够为你的属性自动生成getter和setter方法。

    @dynamic just tells the compiler that the getter and setter methods are implemented not by the class itself but somewhere else(like the superclass)

    @dynamic 会告诉编译器:getter和setter方法在别处生成了(比如父类中),并没有在本类生成。

    Uses for @dynamic are e.g. with subclasses of NSManagedObject(CoreData) or when you want to create an outlet for a property defined by a superclass that was not defined as an outlet;

    运行时动态创建绑定:主要使用在CoreData的实现NSManagedObject子类时使用,由Core Data框架在程序运行的时动态生成子类属性。



          本文标题:iOS @synthesize 和 @dynamic 区别
