- GSOE9820 Project Management 传送门
- GSOE9820 Project Management WEEK
- GSOE9820 Project Management WEEK
- GSOE9820 Project Management WEEK
- GSOE9820 Project Management WEEK
- GSOE9820 Project Management WEEK
- GSOE9820 Project Management WEEK
- GSOE9820 Project Management WEEK
- GSOE9820 Project Management WEEK
- GSOE9820 Project Management WEEK
1.Developing a project network
1.1 WBS review
WBS doe not identify:
--All the activities that consume time (e.g. waiting periods)
--Dependencies and interrelationships between activities
--Sequence of activities (e.g. work flow)
--Timing of activities (e.g. how long the project will take)
--What are the most important activities
为了解决顺序、时间和重要activity选择等问题,引入了project network的方法。
1.2 Project network
Project network Is a flow chart that graphically depicts the sequence, interdependencies and start and finish times of the project job plan of activities.
Time elements of a project:
(1)Activity--Is some action which requires time
(2)Event--It does not consume time. May also be known as a “milestone”
Types of activities
Project network work flow
(1)Path--a sequence of connected, dependent activities.
(2)Critical path--the longest path through the activity network that allows for the completion of all activities; OR the shortest expected time in which the entire project can be completed.
critical path是影响项目成败的路径,通常是最耗时不容有误的一些activities。
Basic rules for developing a project network
(4)不能有loop,不能有conditional statement
Network computation process
(1)Forward pass
(2)Backward pass
LF(Late finish) = LS(Late start) + DUR(duration)
EF(Early finish) = ES(Early start) + DUR
Slack/Folat--Is the amount of time that a task in a project network can be delayed without causing a delay.
(1)Total slack--shared by activites along a path, affects project completion date
(2)Free slack--owned by the activity, affects subsequent tasks
Total Start Slack = LS - ES
Total Finish Slack = LF - EF
FS = ES(successor) - EF(current)
我们希望TS > 0 ,当TS = 0的时候变成critical situation,如果TS < 0则已经有滞后,要小心。
Very little slack and lots of critical paths--More sensitive;
Lots of slack and only one critical path--Less sensitive
1.3 Extended network techniques
Is the minimum amount of time a dependent activity must be delayed to begin or end
a.Finish-to-start lag relationship
b.Start-to-start lag relationship
c.Finish-to-finish lag relationship
d.Start-to-finish lag relationship
例如The system documentation cannot end until three days after testing has started.
(3)Hammock activity
An activity that spans over a segment of a project.
1.4 Adding statistics
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
PERT often uses the 'beta distribution'
as the statistical distribution for each activity’s duration.
The whole project often uses the 'normal distribution'.