

作者: appalv | 来源:发表于2018-05-05 16:54 被阅读5次

Chinese China's written history dates back over 3000 years and through the range reigns of over 500 emperors.

the period of time when a king or queen rules a country 为王,为君;当政;统治
• the reign of Henry VIII亨利八世的统治

It's economy is the largest on earth and it makes an and export exports more good goods than anywhere else on the globe.

Chinese food is that rich and varied at as any on earth, with thousands of dishes to choose from.

All coked in the a variety of ways using a host of different ingredients grow right across the vast nation.

And it's changing is astonishing fast.

a host of
QUANT 数量词大量;许多 A host of things is a lot of them.

By 2030s, It's estimated that one billion people will be living in Chinese cities, just like here in Beijing.

Many of these new people flooded into flocking to cities were migrant workers. Search , in search of a better live for sales themselves and their families.

flock to
to move or come together in large numbers 聚集;群集;蜂拥
• Hundreds of people flocked to the football match.数百人蜂拥前来观看足球比赛。

And the At Chinese New Year, the modern and the traditional are brought together as the Chinese prepare for a celebration even older than the Great Wall itself.

The Great Wall of China snakes for over 5000 miles across the Northern and Western in China northern and western China , and the oldest parts stay date back over 2500 years. 这个 date back 都听不出来就怪不了谁了……

This is Harbin's great ice world wall. At Not quite as long, at 445 meters and sadly not as enduring, either.

When the thought thaw comes this will be transformed into great puddle of China.

a period of warmer weather when snow and ice begin to melt 融雪期;化冰期;解冻期
The thaw has set in early this year.今年的融雪期来得早。

[√] 2018.05.05 周六都坚持听写,真棒,加油哟!



