

作者: Seed精选 | 来源:发表于2016-07-05 18:00 被阅读52次

    I love you money !! Oh no..I mean honey ...



    世界上最动听的情话,不是 I love you 而是 can I pay for you?

    试想你和你的男神第一次约会,在一家别具情调的西餐厅刚刚吃完一顿浪漫的烛光晚餐,音乐萦绕,香氛正好,这时,他拿出一个小小的计算器敲敲敲,敲完对你说:“Darling ,这顿饭你付521.25元,给你抹个零,给我521就好,爱你哟!么么哒!



    当然DAKA酱不是迫害我们广大男性同胞,我们女生不会把你吃穷的。那么约会到底应该谁来买单呢?DAKA酱作为一个软妹来告诉你,这个问题没有准确的答案,it depends…想知道吗?往下看!有彩蛋~


    AAAlgebraic Average的缩写,意思是代数平均,也有人认为是All Apart部分开)的缩写。用于表示各人平均分担所需费用~

    其实表达分开付账除了AA外,还有另外一种地道的说法--go Dutch

    eg. Let's go Dutch this time.


    这要追溯到16~17世纪时的荷兰和威尼斯,那里是海上商品贸易和早期资本主义的发迹之地。终日奔波的意大利、荷兰商人们已衍生出聚时交流信息、散时各付资费的习俗来。因为商人的流动性很强,一个人请别人的客,被请的人说,说不定这辈子再也碰不到了,为了大家不吃亏,彼此分摊便是最好的选择了。而荷兰人因其精明、凡事都要分清楚,逐渐形成了let's go dutch(让我们做荷兰人)的俗语



    To help clear up the confusion, here are some tips that will help you figure out who pays for the first date in certain situations.

    If you ask her out… 如果你约妹子出去玩

    If you ask a girl out then the answer to the “who pays on a date?” question is a simple one.It’s you.  When you invite a girl on a date it’s your responsibility to take care of her.  So as a man you should always expect to pay for the date.  After all you want her to be able to relax and enjoy her time with you.  And that will be difficult if she’s worried about the money she’s spending.


    Another reason it’s important for men to pay for a date is that it sends a clear message of your intentions.  If you have a womansplit the tabwith you she may no longer see this as a “date”.  She may instead get the message that the two of you arenothing more thanfriends.  If you want to avoid her seeing you in that light then paying for the date will go a long way.


    In fact, girls don’t expect you to pay EVERYTHING for her ,she just need to know that you care about her ,that you WANT to pay for her. Maybe the first time you pay and next time she will pay.


    What if she offers tochip in?  如果她提出要出钱呢?

    The woman you date may offer to pay for herself.  She mayreach forher purse and suggest once or twice that she can pay half the bill.  This may just be acourtesy, and her way of showing that you don’t have to pay for her.  But in these situations you want to tell her to put the purse away.Let her see that you want to pay for her.  That spending time with her and seeing that she is taken care of is more important than the handful of dollars you’re spending.


    What if she’s really insistent?  如果她坚持要付钱呢?

    It’s not often butevery once in a whileyou may go on a date with a woman who absolutely refuses to let you pay for her.  If that’s the casethere’s no pointfighting it.  Offer to pay for her but if she is really persistent about it then just split the bill.


    There are some good reasons why a woman may insist on paying for herself.Maybe she sees it as a point of pride that she can take care of herself.Maybe she doesn’t want to feel like she “owes” you anything.


    Or maybe she feels guilty when guys buy her things and she doesn’t want to feel that way.  If her reasoning is anything like the points mentioned above,you can actually be doing her a favor and showing you respect her values by allowing her to pay for herself.


    What if she asks you on a date? 如果是妹子约你呢?

    Now the question of “who pays on a date” can be a little trickier if the girl invites you out.  If that’s the case you don’t necessarily have the sameobligationas you would if you invited her out.So in these instances you’re fine splitting the tab.


    Of course you can always be the super-gentleman and still pay for her anyway.Not only would that be appreciated, but it would send a clear message of your interest and desire to be more than friends.



    He grabs the check immediately.


    She does the “fake reach.”


    He waves her off and insists on paying.


    She thanks him for hisgenerosity.


    End of scene.场景结束


    You, as a man, can’t get mad if she doesn’t make the offer to split. If you offer to take her out, expect to pay for the whole thing, and be pleasantly surprised if you don’t have to.


    You, as a woman, can’t get mad if he accepts your reach. If you offer to split, and he lets you split (or even pick up) the check, he has done absolutely nothing wrong. It’s not a game or a test, unless you treat it like one.


    One final, overriding note for men: It doesn’t matter if it’s coffee or dinner, whether you make more or she makes more, whether you asked her out or she asked you out. You can never go wrong by paying.






    DAKA酱认为,人生呐,最重要的是开心! 你饿不饿呀,我给你买个单?




