作者: 孟轲666 | 来源:发表于2017-08-18 17:06 被阅读7次

Full-Screen Mode

An app window in full-screen mode offers a dinraction-free working environment.Toolbars,menus,and other standard controls are often hidden and revealed only when the user calls for them,such as by moving the pointer to the top of the screen. Some apps even hide essential control to increase focus on content. The controls are hidden,for example, when playing a movie in QuickTimer Player or a slideshow in Photos.

mac OS Design Themes

Four primary themes differentiate macOS apps from iOS,tvos,and watchosapps.Keep these themes in mind as you imagine your app's indentity.


People expect macOS apps to be intuitive,while at the same time being adaptable to their workflow needs through customization and flexibility.Many apps offer configurable preferences,cus


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