

作者: 写简单的话 | 来源:发表于2023-10-05 13:02 被阅读0次

Second, comfort him. Imagine how you would treat that child if it were your own. Will you tell him that the quarrel between your parents is their own problem, not your fault; will you hug him tightly and say to him "I know you are lonely, let's play with you, okay"; He pulled to the kitchen and brought him the hot meal he had just made. These behaviors are actually compensation for the lack of childhood, and they are the needs of the inner child. This seemingly naive behavior is actually very necessary. Finally, be with him. Accompanying means never leaving, and it also means tolerance. When you see your inner child, you will find that he also makes mistakes. He is vulnerable and sensitive when facing others. Sometimes he is lazy, sometimes tired, and sometimes he sets goals, but he can’t achieve them anyway. . At this time, it's good to be with him. Do not accuse, let alone force. Slow down and wait for him to slowly gain strength and self-integration.


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