There's a yin for every yang.If there's bad,good will rise up against it
push one's luck / push it 得寸进尺
be off 离开 when are you off?
a little bird told me天机不可泄露
be a chicken 懦夫
as gentel as a lamb温文尔雅
chicken out临阵脱逃
a lucky dog幸运儿
a clever dog聪明人
a lazy dog懒人
Worry does nothing but steal your joy and keep you very busy doing nothing.你忙着忧虑,所以一事无成
You see I used to think time was a thief, stealing everything I loved. But I see now you give before you take. And every day is a gift, every hour, every minute, every second.
——Alice Through the Looking Glass,Alice in Wonderland 2
——《爱丽丝梦游仙境2 镜中奇遇记》