

作者: 霞姐魔力学院 | 来源:发表于2017-03-16 15:57 被阅读0次

    Donald Trump,著名的放飞自我搅浑水者。





    What do Donald Trump and Jack Ma have in common?

    Another week, and yet another Asian business leader finds himself in bear-like embrace of the US President-elect Donald Trump.

    This time it is China's Jack Ma - the founder of Alibaba.

    Another week= last week

    find sb in bear-like embrace:两人见面。但是这里抛弃了meet with这种用法,而用“发现自己在川普的熊抱里”。想象一下:高大控制欲强的川普抱着瘦小的马爸爸,入木三分地表现了川普对马爹热烈的欢迎。

    bear-like hug:熊抱。与此类似的公主抱Princess hug/embrace或者hug by hanging on sb's neck

    president-elect:当选总统(已经当选而尚未就职的总统)。每年大选之后,胜利者当选总统,于次年1月20日手持圣经宣誓就职。在大选胜利到宣誓就职期间,其身份就是the president-elect。这篇文章的事件发生在就职演讲之前,所以川普大叔还是被叫做president-elect。


    On the face of it they're an unlikely pairing

    One's been raised in the lap of luxury, the other had humble beginnings. One has taken advantage of the free market capitalism of the West, the other grew up in the Chinese Communist system.

    But there are a few things they have in common.

    on the face of it=apparently;as it seems从表面上看;显然地。既然有表面上,后文必然会转折说“实际上”。这其实是一种欲扬先抑的手法。

    one……the other……:一个……另一个……。对比句式。

    pairing :配对,成对,很多时候我们可以延升为“融合”。比如:Xiajie is a perfect pairing of beauty and intelligence.霞姐集美貌智慧于一身。😉


    They both think huge

    It is possibly Donald Trump's favourite word: Huge. And whatever you might think of him, the President-elect certainly has had grand plans. Taking over his father's real estate business and turning it an empire. Expanding it into an entertainment business. Running for, and winning, the highest office in the land. There's no lack of ambition. He's now thought to be worth almost $4bn (although consistently claims he's worth more than double that).

    think huge:想的很大

    taking over:接管

    real estate business:房地产事业

    empire:帝国,这里其实指business empire,商业帝国。

    entertainment business:娱乐行业

    the highest office in the land:最高权利,来源于in office(执政期间),所以office代表执行权。



    When it comes to wealth, China's Jack Ma isn't far behind. He is China's third richest man and Forbes names him amongst the most powerful people on the planet. But he started his professional life teaching English to students in a university in a small Chinese town, reportedly making about US$12 a month. To get better at English, he would court foreign tourists, charming them into having conversations at local hotels. He started the e-commerce giant Alibaba in his flat, and hasn't looked back.

    Mr Ma also has a grand vision which has driven the company from the start: to create ten million profitable businesses and 100 million jobs in the next 20 years.

    far ahead:遥遥领先

    court:这个词并不是法庭,这里作动词是献殷勤的意思,尤其注意后面的charming them into(施加魔力)……就是一个伴随的状态来描述court。

    have a grand vision= think huge/have grand plans/ambitious 关联同义词,避免重复表达



    They aren't afraid to take risks

    Both men are known risk-takers, or as some would say, gamblers.

    And perhaps Mr Trump's biggest gamble was running for president. He was initially seen as the weakest contender during the campaign for the Republican nomination. But a decision to take a risk and be outrageous helped him, in part at least, to get his name on the ballot paper and ultimately to win the presidency.

    risk-takers = gamblers,愿意承担风险的人=赌徒


    Republican:共和党人,Republic Party共和党,Democratic Party民主党。





    Jack Ma is similarly unafraid to take risks. One of his early internet ventures, China Pages, ended badly when he ended up having to form a joint venture with China Telecom and lost control of the company. He also burned through a lot of cash in his early days, and at one point had to lay off all of his international staff. But Mr Ma, who was once rejected from a managerial role at a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Hangzhou, says he wouldn't be where he is today without having to learn to deal with failure.

    joint venture:合资公司

    burn through:烧光,不止字面意思,还可表达“消耗光”。

    lay off:裁员

    He wouldn't be where he is today without having to learn to deal with failure.




    They embrace their inner crazy

    Mr Trump is known as one of America's most colourful and famous billionaires. He rose to fame as the boss in the hit television show "The Apprentice" and his trademark "You're Fired" became a catchphrase. But eccentric, and many would say outrageous, comments on the campaign trail have also led to him being called crazy by his critics, for all the wrong reasons. Remember when he said he would impose a total "shutdown" of Muslims entering the United States? Or how about the the pledge to build a wall on the border with Mexico, and get the US's neighbour to pay for it? The list goes on.

    embrace the inner self:拥抱自我


    rise to fame:走红。今天中国特别流行网红,网红用英语是:internet celebrities。

    hit tv show:很火的电视节目


    catchphrase:流行语,网络流行语,internet catchphrase。

    “shutdown”:关闭,终结,"shutdown" of Muslims entering the United States 就是有名的“禁穆令”了。

    the list goes on:不胜枚举。非常洋气的表达了这样离谱的事儿还有很多很多,请不要使用and so on,特别low。


    Mr Ma is often called "Crazy Jack" (though that craziness isn't seen as offensive.).

    His trademark speeches captivate and inspire employees. He is a showman who regularly entertains Alibaba staff with performances that would make Justin Timberlake proud. He's a familiar smiling face on the televised galas launching Alibaba's Singles Day sales, and is also known to preside over mass marriages at the firm.




    mass marriages:集体婚礼


    The Buddy economy

    Almost every time a billionaire goes through the doors of Trump Towers, the President-elect comes out with a pledge to create jobs in the US. It is starting to be seen as a fast-pass route to getting business done - as I wrote about when Japan's Masayoshi Son met with Mr Trump late last year.

    His meeting with Jack Ma was no different.

    And while the practice of business leaders visiting publicly-elected officials might have many scratching their heads in Western nations, the relationship between business and politics is much closer in many parts of Asia - including China. So this is a way of doing business that Mr Ma will know and understand well.So this is a way of doing business that Mr Ma will know and understand well.

    with a pledge = ask,这里再次体现了英文静态用法,即喜欢用名词。

    Trump Towers:川普大厦

    scratching their heads:抓耳挠腮,表示绞尽脑汁思考。


    China-US relations may well deteriorate after January 20, when Mr Trump has promised to call China out as a currency manipulator, Mr Ma is making sure that his personal relationship with the new president isn't affected - which can only be good for his business





    讲解:霞姐 / Tiassa / 魔力校花

    编排 / 校对:魔力校花




    《Brexit——Doing it the hard way》

    《Against Happiness》




