pugna(Fight 打架)

pugna(Fight 打架)

作者: 蔚海山庄三六子 | 来源:发表于2022-08-17 18:18 被阅读0次

Clēmēns in forō ambulābat. turba maxima erat in forō. servī et ancillae cibum emēbant. multī pistōrēs pānem vēndēbant. poēta recitābat. mercātor Graecus contentiōnem cum agricolā habēbat.

mercātor īrātus pecūniam postulābat. subitō agricola Graecum pulsāvit, quod Graecus agricolam vituperābat. Pompēiānī rīdēbant, et agricolam incitābant. Clēmēns, postquam clāmōrem audīvit, ad pugnam festīnāvit. tandem agricola mercātōrem superāvit et ē forō agitāvit. Pompēiānī agricolam fortem laudāvērunt.

Translated to English:

Clemens walked into the forum. A huge crowd were there. Slave men and slave girls were buying food. Many bakers were selling bread. Poets were reciting. A Greek merchant was arguing with a farmer.

The merchant was demanding money angrily. Suddenly the farmer punched the Greek, Because the Greek man cursed him. Pompeians were laughing and were urging on the farmer. When Clemens heard the uproar and hurried to the fighting. At last, the farmer overpowered the merchant and chased him out of forum. Pompeians praised the farmer bravely.




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      本文标题:pugna(Fight 打架)
