

作者: 痴眠不读一行书 | 来源:发表于2024-01-03 09:45 被阅读0次

1.Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.被爱使你强大,爱人让你勇敢。

2.Family always comes first.家人永远是第一位的。

3.I need to focus on going down the right path.我得集中精力,走一条正确的路。

4.To be a sailor of the world bound for all ports.做个水手,遨游世界,四处航行。 

5.You are loved, and you are not alone.有人爱着你,你不是孤身一人。

6.Miracles take time.奇迹发生也需要时间。

7.Hard work is the recipe for success.努力是成功的秘诀。

8.Take charge of your life for as long as it lasts.我的人生我做主。

9.Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one.正确的道路有时最难走。

10.Teachers encouraged us to break the

status quo and define ourselves as we choose.老师鼓励我们打破现状,成就自我。

11.I love you just the way you are.我爱你真实的样子。

12.Even the darkest moment can turn into something sweet.度过至暗时刻,我们终将收获甜美成果。

13.Concentrate on the detail.关注细节。

14.What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.杀不死我们的,让我们更强大。

15.Small beginnings can bring down

mountains.从小事着手,纵是高山也能推倒。16.It is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts.重要的不是外表,而是内在。

17.Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.昨日已成往事,未来尚未可知,而今天是上天的馈赠。

18.You long to do what you want to do because you want it.你渴望做成某件事的时候,才会对它念念不忘。

19.No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.若非妄自菲薄,没人能让你自惭形秽。

20.Sometimes the most romantic moments can just creep up on you.有时,极致的浪漫会悄然而至。

21.Everything has its time.万物皆有时。

22.I feel waves upon my heart.我心头的浪潮汹涌而来。

23.As the sun begins to retreat, so autumn arrives.炎热逐渐散去,秋意日渐浓郁。

24.There's always something we can do.总有些事值得我们为之奋斗。

25.The opportunity presents itself.机会就在眼前。

26.Many things are not what they seem.很多事情并非看上去那么简单。

27.In the end we will all be judged by the courage of our hearts.最终衡量我们的是内心的勇气。

28.Some things in life are worth waiting for.生命中的有些事情是值得等待的。

29.Fold to feel, unfold to reveal.心动,何止一面

30.Your real strength comes from being the best "You" you can be.真正的强大在于成为最好的自我。


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