Florence and the machine

Florence and the machine

作者: JP大叔 | 来源:发表于2020-01-30 11:59 被阅读0次


在肺炎肆虐的时期,精读这篇关于护士的文章,以对护士的敬意。正如文中的一句话:People look up to a doctor, but they look a nurse in the eye. 同时,也别忘了,2020是“Year of the Nurse”,是为了纪念南丁格尔Nightingale诞辰200周年。

若不读完整个文章,显然你并不清楚这标题的意思:南丁格尔的全名叫做Florence Nightingale。Machine是在最后点到了Future Nightingale: 未来各种诊断、手术会被AI,机器人的替代,护理却是机器很难替代的,因为“its healing powers remain rooted in empathy and a human touch.”

文中的第二段简要概述了南丁格尔的成就,也学习到她用Pie图来诠释“More soldiers died from infections than from injuries”, 这就是我们现在司空见惯的Pie图,她应该是最早的践行者(尽管不是发明者)了,但别忘了那时还在19世纪中叶。所以,销售常说“一张图表胜过一千句话”,那么南丁格尔就是最早的榜样。

她通过这张图阐明了这样的一项传递信息的规则:It should affect through the eyes what we fail to convey to the brains of the public through their word-proof ears. 通过眼睛去影响我们无法通过公众的耳朵向他们传达的信息。

文中的第三、四段纠正了我们对于护士的偏见。现在护士也有Doctorate-level studies。随着分科的细化,还有诸如专门的Neonatalogy, Cardiology及Accident & Emergency护士,居然还有Forensic Nurse。同样,护士也在取代一些习惯上由医生从事的工作:如在美国"2/3 of anaesthetics given to patients are administrated by certified nurse anaethetists". (看到麻醉这个词,总是很亲切,不枉自己在最Top的麻醉肌松药公司欧加农工作的经历)。

在文中的第六段说明了护理工作发展的问题,开头便说到:What would disappoint Nightingale in her time-travel to the present is that the transformation of nursing has been uneven. 归纳出来有三点:

1. In some countries, nurses are still largely treated as doctors' minions

2. Nurses are often not at the table when health-policy decisions are made although they are make up nearly half of the world's health-care workforce, and 90% of patients' contacts with health workers.

3. 这里用了一个非常巧妙的词组:Furrow her brow. The trend would make Nightingale furrow her brow is that nursing has lost its lustre (失去了原先的光环),most posts are hard to fill. 直指全球面临的护士短缺的问题,而且这是全球健康体系中最大的问题。再过10年,全球护士缺口达760万,which is a third of their number today.

在文中的倒数第三段,提出了现阶段的一些努力,来Turn this tide. 其中包括各种宣传活动,借鉴了新加坡的经验,创作了Nursing Anthem。可以欣赏一段。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0MpfzxF_LQ

要了解更多关于南丁格尔的信息,请参阅以下链接 http://m.sohu.com/a/326842504_349736

最后,知道为何称呼南丁格尔为“The lady with the lamp”吗?



      本文标题:Florence and the machine
