

作者: 一线口语 | 来源:发表于2018-03-08 18:13 被阅读16次



"In fact, it has nothing to do with age, as long as you look forward to beauty, romance and gentle, and a little naive, you are always girls." For a variety of business activities, the seller interpretated perfect, but this is just a gorgeous consumer packaging.


International Women's Day was originally designed to commemorate over 140 women who died in the fire in the triangular underwear factory in New York City in 1911. At the same time, it celebrated women’s contributions and achievements in economic, political and social fields festival. Ways and means for women throughout the world in their struggle for equality with men is long and International Women's Day is a testimony to women's history.


In the age of consumerism, this festival has gradually lost its feminism meaning for women, "freedom" is more important than "equality," what’s more, is the freedom to buy bags, high heels, designer dresses and high-end cosmetics.



In addition to the consumption of sugar-coated shells, but also love the pink packaging. In March of last year, some people proposed "Girl's Day instead of Women's Day." Some people also promoted that "Anti-March 7, Celebrate March 8".


Gender inequality still exists everywhere. So what is the point of discussing "Girl's Day instead of Women's Day"? Instead of arguing that "girls" or "women," we should learn from the vigilance and effective fight for reason. First of all, as Li Sipan, an expert on women's issues, says, "All questions of gender respect and compliment can be questioned."



March 8th International Women's Day, could have been a commemoration of women's rights and cultural identity festival, the spiritual core directed at the right. Today, Women's Day has been transformed into another shopping carnival in China. The feminist agenda has been broken down into trivial matters, talking about power without talking about rights.


True feminists, speaking not men and women indifference, but rather advocate fair, the most direct is that women need the same equal opportunities with men. True torture is before the sexes and equal opportunity.


Women's Day, a day when many women are discriminated even though they are set up for women specifically. What we care about is that everyone should be free to choose and to be self-fulfilling.




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