The window function allows the grouping of existing KeyedDataStreama by time or other conditions. The following transformation emits groups of records by a time window of 10 seconds
In Java
inputStream. keyBy (0).window (TumblingEventTimeWindows.of (Time.seconde (10)));
In Scala:
inputStream. keyBy (0).window (TumblingEventTimeWindows.of (Time.seconde (10)))
Flink defines slices of data in order to process (potentially) infinite data streams. These slices are called windows. This slicing helps processing data in chunks by applying transformations. To do windowing on a stream, we need to assign a key on which the distribution can be made and a function which describes what transformations to perform on a windowed stream
To slice streams into windows, we can use pre-implemented Flink window assigners. We have options such as, tumbling windows, sliding windows, global and session windows.
Flink also allows you to write custom window assigners by extending WindowAssigner
class. Let's try to understand how these various assigners work.
将流切成窗口,我们可以使用预先实现好的Flink 窗口分配器。包括tumbling windows
,sliding windows
and session windows
Flink 也允许你写一些自定义的分配器通过继承 WindowAssigner
Global windows
Global windows are never-ending windows unless specified by a trigger. Generally in this case, each element is assigned to one single per-key global Window. If we don't specify any trigger, no computation will ever get triggered.
Tumbling windows (翻滚窗口,无重叠)
Tumbling windows are created based on certain times. They are fixed-length windows and non over lapping. Tumbling windows should be useful when you need to do computation of elements in specific time. For example, tumbling window of 10 minutes can be used to compute a group of events occurring in 10 minutes time.
Tumbling windows
Sliding windows(滑动窗口,有重叠)
Sliding windows are like tumbling windows but they are overlapping. They are fixed length windows overlapping the previous ones by a user given window slide parameter .This type of windowing is useful when you want to compute something out of a group of events occurring in a certain time frame.
Sliding windows
与tumbling windows
Session windows
Session windows are useful when windows boundaries need to be decided upon the input data. Session windows allows flexibility in window start time and window size. We can also provide session gap configuration parameter which indicates how long to wait before considering the session in closed。
Session windows
在根据输入数据确定窗口边界的场景是有用的。Session windows
The windowAll function allows the grouping of regular data streams. Generally this is a non-parallel data transformation, as it runs on non-partitioned streams of data.
windowAll函数允许对常规数据流进行分组。通常这是一个非并行数据 transformation
In Java:
inputStream.windowAll (TumblingEventTimeWindows.of (Time.seconda (10)));
In Scala:
inputStream.windowAll (TumblingEventTimeWindows.of (Time.seconde (10)));
Similar to regular data stream functions, we have window data stream functions as well.The only difference is they work on windowed data streams. So window reduce works like the Reduce function, Window fold works like the Fold function, and there are aggregations as well
和普通的数据流一样,窗口数据流也有对应的函数。它们唯一的区别是它们工作在窗口数据流上。Window reduce
方法一样,Window fold
The Union function performs the union of two or more data streams together. This does the combining of data streams in parallel。 If we combine one stream with itself then it outputs each record twice.
In Java:
inputStream. union (inputstreaml, inputstream2, ...);
In Scala:
inputStream.union (inputstream1, inputstream2. ...)
Window join
We can also join two data streams by some keys in a common window. The following example shows the joining of two streams in a Window of 5 seconds where the joining condition of the first attribute of the first stream is equal to the second attribute of the other stream
我们也可以将共有窗口的两个流通过key连接起来。下面 的例 子演示了两个流在一个5秒的窗口进行连接;连接条件是第一个流的第一个属于和另一个流的第二个属性相等。
In Java:
inputStream.join (inputStream1).
where (0).equalTo (1)
.window (TumblingEventTimeWindows.of (Time.seconds(5)))
.apply (new JoinFunction (){...});
In Scala:
inputStream. join (inputStream1)
.where (0) .equalTo (1)
.window (TumblingEventTimewindows.of (Time.seconds (5)))
This function splits the stream into two or more streams based on the criteria. This can be used when you get a mixed stream and you may want to process each data separately
In Java:
SplitStream<Integer> split = inputStream. split (new outputSelector<Integer>() {
@override public Iterable<string> select (Integer value) {
List<String> output = new ArrayList<String> ();
if (value% 2 ==0){
output. add ("even");
else {
output.add ("odd");
return output);
In Scala:
val split= inputStream. split
(num: Int) =>
(num % 2) match {
case 0 => List ("even")
case 1 => List ("odd")
This function allows you to select a specific stream from the split stream
该方法允许你从split stream
In Java:
SplitStream split;
DataStream even = ("even");
DataStream odd = ("odd");
DataStream all = ("even", "odd");
In Scala:
val even = split select "even"
val odd = split select "odd"
val all = ("even", "odd")
The Project function allows you to select a sub-set of attributes from the event stream and only sends selected elements to the next processing stream.
In Java
In Scala:
var in:DateStream[(Int,Double,String,String)]=//{....}
var out=in.project(3,2)
The preceding function selects the attribute numbers 2 and 3 from the given records. The following is the sample input and output records
(1,10.0, A, B)=> (B,A)
(2,20.0,C, D)=> (D,C)