Chapter 4 - Chameleon

Chapter 4 - Chameleon

作者: 凯特笔记 | 来源:发表于2017-10-05 18:03 被阅读0次

1.  Words 


1. a small lizard (= a type of reptile ) that can change colour according to its surroundings  避役;变色蜥蜴;变色龙

2.  (often disapproving) a person who changes their behaviour or opinions according to the situation 见风使舵的人;善变的人


[释义]an advantage or benefit following from a job or situation 特殊待遇,特权[原句] There were so many perks to being "white" in a black family, I can't even front.

[仿写] One of the perks of working in rotation is to enjoy a 4-week vacation when you are off duty.

give sb a leg-up

[释义] to help sb to improve their situation 帮助,援助(改善环境)

[原句] If you're black in South Africa, speaking English is the one thing that can give you a leg up.

[仿写] When I applied for this job, understanding the local dialect had given me a leg up.

endear sb / yourself to sb

[释义] to make sb / yourself popular 使受欢迎(或喜爱、爱慕)

[原句] So the fact that I did speak African languages immediately endeared me to the black kids.

[仿写] Chuck's sense of humor and generosity has endeared himself to all of us.

2. Reflections 

第四章变色龙,Trevor 继承了妈妈在语言上的天赋,成为语言上的变色龙, 借由语言而不是肤色让他多次化险为夷,并且找到自己的归属。 

因为肤色接近白人,当Trevor淘气犯错的时候, 他的祖父母都不敢惩戒他: I'm scared I'm going to break him. I don't want to kill a white person. I'm so afraid. 种族隔离以及等级观念在祖父母那一辈留下深深烙印。 Soweto小城里99.9%的人口是黑人,白皮肤的 Trevor在这里受尽优待。

跟随妈妈的很多经历,让Trevor 体会到语言的力量: 

- the quickest way to bridge the race gap was through language

-made me realize that language, even more than color, defines who you are to people.

-I became a chameleon. My color didn't change, but I could change your perception of my color.

Maryvale College私立教会学校让Trevor没有意识到肤色歧视现实 (It was a wonderful experience to have, but the downside was that it sheltered me from reality.), 转到公立学校 H.A. Jack后,Trevor 第一次意识到种族主义的现实:I was eleven years old, and it was like I was seeing my country for the first time.  黑人孩子因为语言接纳了Trevor,Trevor 也终于清晰的意识到自己在黑人中的真正归属感。I saw myself as the people around me, and the people around me were black.

人和其他动物最大的区别就在语言, 语言为什么这么神奇,为什么这么重要?为什么语言甚至能打败肤色,让Trevor融入到黑人孩子中。 我想语言是一种文化,一种价值观和信仰的体现。 文中说的,不同的tribe有不同的语言,一般不会其他部落的语言, 而白人通常认为黑人的语言低等不屑去学,学习语言,是对语言背后的文化信仰的尊重和理解。 



      本文标题:Chapter 4 - Chameleon
