

作者: KongBF | 来源:发表于2018-01-31 16:54 被阅读0次


<div class="carousel">
    <a class="carousel-item" href="#one!"><img src="https://lorempixel.com/250/250/nature/1"></a>
    <a class="carousel-item" href="#two!"><img src="https://lorempixel.com/250/250/nature/2"></a>
    <a class="carousel-item" href="#three!"><img src="https://lorempixel.com/250/250/nature/3"></a>
    <a class="carousel-item" href="#four!"><img src="https://lorempixel.com/250/250/nature/4"></a>
    <a class="carousel-item" href="#five!"><img src="https://lorempixel.com/250/250/nature/5"></a>
duration    Transition duration in milliseconds. (Default: 200)
dist    Perspective zoom. If 0, all items are the same size. (Default: -100)
shift   Set the spacing of the center item. (Default: 0)
padding Set the padding between non center items. (Default: 0)
fullWidth   Make the carousel a full width slider like the second example. (Default: false)
indicators  Set to true to show indicators. (Default: false)
noWrap  Don't wrap around and cycle through items. (Default: false)
// Next slide
$('.carousel').carousel('next', 3); // Move next n times.

// Previous slide
$('.carousel').carousel('prev', 4); // Move prev n times.

// Set to nth slide
$('.carousel').carousel('set', 4);

// Destroy carousel
 <div class="carousel carousel-slider">
    <a class="carousel-item" href="#one!"><img src="https://lorempixel.com/800/400/food/1"></a>
    <a class="carousel-item" href="#two!"><img src="https://lorempixel.com/800/400/food/2"></a>
    <a class="carousel-item" href="#three!"><img src="https://lorempixel.com/800/400/food/3"></a>
    <a class="carousel-item" href="#four!"><img src="https://lorempixel.com/800/400/food/4"></a>
$('.carousel.carousel-slider').carousel({fullWidth: true});
<div class="carousel carousel-slider center" data-indicators="true">
    <div class="carousel-fixed-item center">
      <a class="btn waves-effect white grey-text darken-text-2">button</a>
    <div class="carousel-item red white-text" href="#one!">
      <h2>First Panel</h2>
      <p class="white-text">This is your first panel</p>
    <div class="carousel-item amber white-text" href="#two!">
      <h2>Second Panel</h2>
      <p class="white-text">This is your second panel</p>
    <div class="carousel-item green white-text" href="#three!">
      <h2>Third Panel</h2>
      <p class="white-text">This is your third panel</p>
    <div class="carousel-item blue white-text" href="#four!">
      <h2>Fourth Panel</h2>
      <p class="white-text">This is your fourth panel</p>
$('.carousel.carousel-slider').carousel({fullWidth: true});


1. Collapsible1.png
<ul class="collapsible" data-collapsible="accordion">
      <div class="collapsible-header"><i class="material-icons">filter_drama</i>First</div>
      <div class="collapsible-body"><span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</span></div>
      <div class="collapsible-header"><i class="material-icons">place</i>Second</div>
      <div class="collapsible-body"><span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</span></div>
      <div class="collapsible-header"><i class="material-icons">whatshot</i>Third</div>
      <div class="collapsible-body"><span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</span></div>
//active   选中
<div class="collapsible-header active"><i class="material-icons">place</i>Second</div>
    accordion: false, // A setting that changes the collapsible behavior to expandable instead of the default accordion style
    onOpen: function(el) { alert('Open'); }, // Callback for Collapsible open
    onClose: function(el) { alert('Closed'); } // Callback for Collapsible close
// Open
  $('.collapsible').collapsible('open', 0);

  // Close
  $('.collapsible').collapsible('close', 0);

  // Destroy


<ul class="collapsible" data-collapsible="accordion">


<ul class="collapsible" data-collapsible="expandable">


// Materialize.toast(message, displayLength, className, completeCallback);
  Materialize.toast('I am a toast!', 4000) // 4000 is the duration of the toast
var $toastContent = $('<span>I am toast content</span>').add($('<button class="btn-flat toast-action">Undo</button>'));
  Materialize.toast($toastContent, 10000);


<a class="btn" onclick="Materialize.toast('I am a toast', 4000,'',function(){alert('Your toast was dismissed')})">Toast!</a>

Styling Toasts(椭圆形的弹出)

 Materialize.toast('I am a toast!', 3000, 'rounded') // 'rounded' is the class I'm applying to the toast

Dismiss a Toast Programatically(移除或者是消除弹出框)

 // Get toast DOM Element, get instance, then call remove function
  var toastElement = $('.toast').first()[0];
  var toastInstance = toastElement.M_Toast;


<!-- data-position can be : bottom, top, left, or right -->
  <!-- data-delay controls delay before tooltip shows (in milliseconds)-->
  <a class="btn tooltipped" data-position="bottom" data-delay="50" data-tooltip="I am a tooltip">Hover me!</a>
    $('.tooltipped').tooltip({delay: 50});

jQuery Plugin Options:

Option Name Description
delay Delay time before tooltip appears. (Default: 350)
tooltip Tooltip text. Can use custom HTML if you set the html option.
position Set the direction of the tooltip. 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'. (Default: 'bottom')
html Allow custom html inside the tooltip. (Default: false)


// This will remove the tooltip functionality for the buttons on this page


<!-- Dropdown Trigger -->
  <a class='dropdown-button btn' href='#' data-activates='dropdown1'>Drop Me!</a>

  <!-- Dropdown Structure -->
  <ul id='dropdown1' class='dropdown-content'>
    <li><a href="#!">one</a></li>
    <li><a href="#!">two</a></li>
    <li class="divider"></li>
    <li><a href="#!">three</a></li>
    <li><a href="#!"><i class="material-icons">view_module</i>four</a></li>
    <li><a href="#!"><i class="material-icons">cloud</i>five</a></li>


Option Name Description
inDuration The duration of the transition enter in milliseconds. Default: 300
outDuration The duration of the transition out in milliseconds. Default: 225
constrainWidth If true, constrainWidth to the size of the dropdown activator. Default: true
hover If true, the dropdown will open on hover. Default: false
gutter This defines the spacing from the aligned edge. Default: 0
belowOrigin If true, the dropdown will show below the activator. Default: false
alignment Defines the edge the menu is aligned to. Default: 'left'
stopPropagation If true, stops the event propagating from the dropdown origin click handler. Default: false
 <a class='dropdown-button btn' data-beloworigin="true" href='#' data-activates='dropdown1'>Drop Me!</a>
      inDuration: 300,
      outDuration: 225,
      constrainWidth: false, // Does not change width of dropdown to that of the activator
      hover: true, // Activate on hover
      gutter: 0, // Spacing from edge
      belowOrigin: false, // Displays dropdown below the button
      alignment: 'left', // Displays dropdown with edge aligned to the left of button
      stopPropagation: false // Stops event propagation


1.Material Box(图片可点击查看大图)

 <img class="materialboxed" width="650" src="images/sample-1.jpg">
<img class="materialboxed" data-caption="A picture of a way with a group of trees in a park" width="250" src="https://lorempixel.com/800/400/nature/4">


<div class="slider">
    <ul class="slides">
        <img src="https://lorempixel.com/580/250/nature/1"> <!-- random image -->
        <div class="caption center-align">
          <h3>This is our big Tagline!</h3>
          <h5 class="light grey-text text-lighten-3">Here's our small slogan.</h5>
        <img src="https://lorempixel.com/580/250/nature/2"> <!-- random image -->
        <div class="caption left-align">
          <h3>Left Aligned Caption</h3>
          <h5 class="light grey-text text-lighten-3">Here's our small slogan.</h5>
        <img src="https://lorempixel.com/580/250/nature/3"> <!-- random image -->
        <div class="caption right-align">
          <h3>Right Aligned Caption</h3>
          <h5 class="light grey-text text-lighten-3">Here's our small slogan.</h5>
        <img src="https://lorempixel.com/580/250/nature/4"> <!-- random image -->
        <div class="caption center-align">
          <h3>This is our big Tagline!</h3>
          <h5 class="light grey-text text-lighten-3">Here's our small slogan.</h5>

jQuery Plugin Options:

Option Name Description
indicators Set to false to hide slide indicators. (Default: True)
height Set height of slider. (Default: 400)
transition Set the duration of the transition animation in ms. (Default: 500)
interval Set the duration between transitions in ms. (Default: 6000)

jQuery Plugin Methods:

// Pause slider
// Start slider
// Next slide
// Previous slide


1.Modals HTML Structure(正常版的弹出对话框,有取消,有确定)

 <!-- Modal Trigger -->
  <a class="waves-effect waves-light btn modal-trigger" href="#modal1">Modal</a>

  <!-- Modal Structure -->
  <div id="modal1" class="modal">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <h4>Modal Header</h4>
      <p>A bunch of text</p>
    <div class="modal-footer">
      <a href="#!" class="modal-action modal-close waves-effect waves-green btn-flat">Agree</a>

2.Modals with Fixed Footer(按钮固定在底部的样式)

 <!-- Modal Trigger -->
  <a class="waves-effect waves-light btn modal-trigger" href="#modal1">Modal</a>

  <!-- Modal Structure -->
  <div id="modal1" class="modal modal-fixed-footer">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <h4>Modal Header</h4>
      <p>A bunch of text</p>
    <div class="modal-footer">
      <a href="#!" class="modal-action modal-close waves-effect waves-green btn-flat ">Agree</a>

3.Bottom Sheet Modals(从页面底部弹出)

<!-- Modal Trigger -->
  <a class="waves-effect waves-light btn modal-trigger" href="#modal1">Modal</a>

  <!-- Modal Structure -->
  <div id="modal1" class="modal bottom-sheet">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <h4>Modal Header</h4>
      <p>A bunch of text</p>
    <div class="modal-footer">
      <a href="#!" class="modal-action modal-close waves-effect waves-green btn-flat">Agree</a>

Modals with Button trigger(加上tigger,即可弹出关闭来回切换)

 <button data-target="modal1" class="btn modal-trigger">Modal</button>


    // the "href" attribute of the modal trigger must specify the modal ID that wants to be triggered


      dismissible: true, // Modal can be dismissed by clicking outside of the modal
      opacity: .5, // Opacity of modal background
      inDuration: 300, // Transition in duration
      outDuration: 200, // Transition out duration
      startingTop: '4%', // Starting top style attribute
      endingTop: '10%', // Ending top style attribute
      ready: function(modal, trigger) { // Callback for Modal open. Modal and trigger parameters available.
        console.log(modal, trigger);
      complete: function() { alert('Closed'); } // Callback for Modal close

Parallax 滚动视差

<div class="parallax-container">
      <div class="parallax"><img src="images/parallax1.jpg"></div>
.parallax-container {
      height: "your height here";


<div class="row">
    <div class="col s12">
      <ul class="tabs">
        <li class="tab col s3"><a href="#test1">Test 1</a></li>
        <li class="tab col s3"><a class="active" href="#test2">Test 2</a></li>
        <li class="tab col s3 disabled"><a href="#test3">Disabled Tab</a></li>
        <li class="tab col s3"><a href="#test4">Test 4</a></li>
    <div id="test1" class="col s12">Test 1</div>
    <div id="test2" class="col s12">Test 2</div>
    <div id="test3" class="col s12">Test 3</div>
    <div id="test4" class="col s12">Test 4</div>
    $('ul.tabs').tabs('select_tab', 'tab_id');
//active 用来表示选中状态
 <li class="tab col s2"><a class="active" href="#test3">Test 3</a></li>

jQuery Plugin Options:

Option Name Description
onShow Execute a callback function when the tab is changed. The callback provides a parameter which refers to the current tab being shown.
swipeable Set to true to enable swipeable tabs. This also uses the responsiveThreshold option. Default: false
responsiveThreshold The maximum width of the screen, in pixels, where the swipeable functionality initializes. Default: Infinity

Linking to an External Page(tabs关联一个页面)

<li class="tab col s2">
    <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/Dogfalo/materialize">External link in new window</a>
  <li class="tab col s2">
    <a target="_self" href="https://github.com/Dogfalo/materialize">External link in same window</a>

Swipeable Tabs(带页面联动的tabs)

 <ul id="tabs-swipe-demo" class="tabs">
    <li class="tab col s3"><a href="#test-swipe-1">Test 1</a></li>
    <li class="tab col s3"><a class="active" href="#test-swipe-2">Test 2</a></li>
    <li class="tab col s3"><a href="#test-swipe-3">Test 3</a></li>
  <div id="test-swipe-1" class="col s12 blue">Test 1</div>
  <div id="test-swipe-2" class="col s12 red">Test 2</div>
  <div id="test-swipe-3" class="col s12 green">Test 3</div>



<a href="#!" class="btn" onclick="Materialize.showStaggeredList('#staggered-test')">Click Me</a>


 <a href="#!" class="btn" onclick="Materialize.fadeInImage('#image-test')">Click Me</a>

wave 波纹效果

 <a href="#!" class="btn waves-effect waves-teal">Send</a>


`waves-red` 红波纹

`waves-yellow` 黄波纹

`waves-orange` 橙波纹

`waves-purple`  紫波纹

`waves-green` 绿波纹
`waves-teal`   蓝绿色



