Summer 2015 Report #022 - 04/02/15 Jianjian Wu
1. Plan for next week(***, **, *: order of priority)
• 40%:Complete 80% of Alpha algorithm
• 40%:Use ProM Import Framework to extract log to mxml fomat
• 20%:Read one papers about Alpha algorithm
2. Tasks achieved this week(***, **, *: order of priority)
• 50%:Write Alpha algorithm and complete 70% of it
• 30%:Download papers about Alpha algorithm and process mining
• 30%:Learn to use ProM Import Framework to extract log to mxml fomat
3. Feedback of Prof. Qiu Prof. Li and Dr. Yan last week
• Download papers Alpha algorithm and process mining
• Search more papers about Liang Yan
4. Reports
• Use ProM Import Framework to extract log to mxml fomat
The first problem I encountered is: couldn’t find the suitable plug-in to extract log to mxml fomat.
The second problem is I don’t know the accurate log format after pretreatment.
The result I now can get now

• The other paper about Liang Yan:
The research of workflow mining based on event log [J].computer engineering and design 2009.30(9):2191-2194
• The part of paper that I download
Qiu Jiang Nan, Tian Jiang, Dong Leilei,Research on method for acquisition of process knowledge based on alpha algorithm school of management, Dalian University of technology, P.R..China ,1160024:in fifteenth international conference on management science&engineering 2008.10(12)1045-1051
Sawitree Weerapong, Parham Porouhan, Wichian Premchaiswadi, Process mining using alpha algorithm as a tool (a case study registration) in tenth international conference on ICT knowledge engineering ,pages 213-220,2012. Graduate school of information technology Siam University Bangkok, Thailand.
Yong Ling, Li Qun Zhang, Meng Gao,Design and implementation of process mining system based on alpha algorithm,school of computer science and technology,shangdong university, the third international conference on innovative computing information and control
Gu Chun Qin,Chang You Hui,Yi Yang.workflow mining:extending the alpha algorithm to mine duplicate tasks.department of information science and technology, Sun yat-Sen university ,Guangzhou,the seventh international conference on machine learning and cybernetics,Kunming,2008.361-368
Philip Weber, Behzad Pordbar, Peter Tino, a framework for the analysis of process mining algorithms.IEEE transactions on systems,man,and
cybernetics:systems, 2013.43(2)2168-2216
5. Mile-Stone:
• Implement Alpha algorithm
• Complete one paper about process mining