基础篇:meaning: If something strikes you as being a particular thing, it gives you the impression of being that thing.
进阶篇:strike 这个词的用法很多,今天我们学习的是 strike 的一个高频用法,表示“给...印象”,“让...觉得.” 当strike 表示这个意思时,常用的形式是 strike someone as.
How did she strike you? (你觉得她怎么样)
It strikes me as odd. (我觉得很奇怪)
He struck me as a very serious but friendly person.
That Jack Ma encourages newlyweds to follow "669" and have more kids strikes many as vulgar and offensive.
1)Ms Wojcicki, in contrast, strikes even some critics as the "good CEO" of the social-media giants, the one with a soul.
2) Google's and Facebook's tools for targeting users strike advertisers as a more efficient, scalable way to reach specific audiences.
The findings of the survey strike many as unconvincing.
2) 造句: 情境:她给我的印象是思维比较狭隘。
She strikes me as narrow-minded.