Slash youth/Slasher/Slashie

Slash youth/Slasher/Slashie

作者: Lixing5000 | 来源:发表于2021-12-09 13:02 被阅读0次

    2021-12-9 TTM

    1. Slash youth or Slasher is a popular word. We see a doctor can also be a writer, a writer can also be a yoga master, a yoga master can also be a singer, a singer can also be an actor. They are Jack-of-all-trades. I admire people who could be excellent in many areas. On the other hand, I also admire people who spend decades just in one area. What's your opinion on slash youth?

    A: With economy growth, people have more spare time, internet makes people visible and group fans together. There is pros and cons. Too broad portfolio career might be deemed not stable. It's about your choice. 

    2. It is quite risky if you only have one skill. Think about, if a person can only do accounting, computer will take over his job. If a person can only drive, the advent of autonomous driving will replace his job. With AI technology, more and more jobs will be done by robot. What kind of skill you want to master most in the next five years and why?

    A: Health, summary things done and be more efficient.

    3. I feel happy when learning new things. I heard Jon said learn a new skill every three month. I heard similar opinion from Jose, and our member Vivian. Initially, I thought it is not possible to learn a new skill in such a short time. Recently I learn Taichi, video edition. And now I am learning Jazz. Would you like to share what you are learning now and what's the progress?

    A: Invest stock market

    4. No matter small or big, continuously learning and exploring new things makes me feel good and energized. It is a first step to explore the potential skill I could master in future. Do you have such example to share that you or others become a master outside of his owner area?

    5. There’s a saying, Seek survival within 8-working-hours , and seek development outside the 8-hour. The current social development is an exponential growth. If you leave your current job, how do we live better? If you ever want to become a slash youth, what action would you take now?

    A: English, toxicology certificate, finance and investment.

    Rather than being a driver who is afraid of losing job, you could do exercise and become Sexiest Cab Driver. Life is full of possibilities. Hope you all create infinite options for your compelling future.

    Quote: How to Create New Possibilities in Your Life

    Life has infinite possibilities. Unfortunately, most of us believe that we don’t have many options available to us, in relationships, career, health…. It can be challenging to change the momentum of our life, but there are so many possibilities available to all of us at any moment.

    These possibilities won’t just happen on their own. It’s necessary to hold up your end of the bargain, and that means stepping outside of your comfort zone. Can you do that? Sure, you can!

    Try these ideas and create new possibilities for yourself:

    Create a compelling future. A new objective is a great way to move your life in a new direction and create new possibilities. View your life as sacred and give yourself a future that’s worthy of your attention and effort. Create a vision of the future that creates enthusiasm.

    What excites you?

    What kind of life do you want to live?

    Who do you want in your life?

    Talk to new people. Each new person in your life has the potential to change your life. You never know who will offer you a job, become your best friend, become your partner, introduce you to other amazing people, or teach you something you never knew.

    Take a trip. Get away from home. Even a local trip provides a change of scenery and a change of routine. When you break out of your routine, you might gain some insight into a way of life that would work better for you. People that travel a lot have a wisdom that homebodies lack.

    Establish new habits and routines that create potential. Think of all the things you could start doing that could change your life.

    Eat a healthier diet and exercise. You’ll feel better and you might gain the confidence needed to do other things.

    Write in a journal each day. You’ll learn more about yourself and can apply those insights to your life.

    The possibilities are numerous. What would you like to try?

    Remove limiting beliefs. We all believe things that aren’t true that limit us. Think about the things you’d like to do or experience but believe are out of reach. How did you come to that conclusion? How do you know that belief is true?

    What are the negative beliefs you have about yourself? How do you know those aren’t true?

    Educate yourself. When you know more, you can do more. What do you want to know more about? Look at your interests and learn more about those subjects. Maybe you want to learn a new language or how to paint. Maybe you want to learn how you can grow your business. Knowledge is power.

    Try new things. You never know for certain if you’ll like something until you try it. Something you thought would be just “okay” might turn out to be the best thing you’ve ever done.

    Are you happy with your life? What’s the most exciting change that happened by choice for you in the last year? If you have nothing to mention, your life is either spectacular or you’re not taking full responsibility for your life.

    Consider all the possibilities available to you and begin making some changes.





          本文标题:Slash youth/Slasher/Slashie
