

作者: CWYAC | 来源:发表于2020-05-03 14:08 被阅读0次


在某油轮的cargo control room的gas sampling panel报No.5 WBT(S) AFT sensor shut down,main pump high current 。问询后知gas detecting的取样管路,在打压载水时处于堵塞。船方检查后发现感应器故障,更换后正常。并疏通了取样管。

FSS 2010修正案 第16章

Means shall be provided to prevent gas sampling lines from clogging when tanks are ballasted by using compressed airflushing to clean the line after switching from ballast to cargo loaded mode. The system shall have an alarm to indicate if the gas sampling lines are  clogged.

SOLAS 2010修正案II-2/R4

5.7.3 Arrangements for fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems in double hull and double bottom spaces of oil tankers.

推断:油轮的ballast water tank可以从压载模式转换为货物装载模式,转换载荷由压缩空气冲洗,当压缩空气将污块,淤液冲到取样管路中时,会导致气体探测系统的异常。


NK对Gas Detection的描述/要求:

R篇 4.5.7 和 Ch.36。一,系统构成和工作原理:中央分析单元用于测量碳氢化物气体浓度,其外延的气体采样管路需要延伸到所有与货油舱相邻的压载舱,双层船壳或双层底中的空舱,包括船首舱等;中央分析单元需位于货舱区域外安全区域,其采样管路需要有捕焰器(flame arrester),排出采样气体的管路出口需要在安全区域。二,配备要求:大于20kGT以上液货船。三,配置要求:每个需要气体探测的舱室,要最少有上下两个采样管路,其中上管路检测点不低于舱顶(tank top)1米, 下管路监测点高于girder of bottom shell plating,且至少高于舱底(bottom of tank)0.5米。不允许使用共用管路,除非是每个舱室的上下两个检测管路。对于小于50kDWT的船只,允许单管路,对于双层底的舱室,允许单管路。监测点需要远离货舱通风口/机械通风口防止测量值比实际偏低。采样气体排出口远离火源和居住区通风入口。四,功能要求:采样管路堵塞时,能给出报警。分析单元在气体浓度达到30%下限时要自动关闭气体采样。气体








during the hours of darkness, for the vision of oncoming watchkeepers to adjust to ambient light conditions.... an effective wheelhouse and chartroom blackout should be maintained; lighting used in such areas should be of low intensity and colored red.

SOLAS 第V章 航行安全第15条,关于驾驶台设计、航行系统和设备设计和布置以及驾驶台程序原则

MSC Circ 982

Adjustable lighting (dimmer control) should be provided for controls and visual displays, including display , control and panel labels and critical markings, that must be read at night orunder darkened conditions. The range of the dimming control should permit the displays to be legible under all ambient illumination conditions.

The lighting of the devices should be continuously or multiple step adjustable down to zero, except the lighting of warning and alarm indicators and the control of the dimmers which sould remain readable.

进一步,BV Part C,Chapter 2,Section 3

If a visual signal is used connected in series with the navigation light, means are to be provided to prevent the extinction of the navigation light due to the failure of the visual signal.

A minimum level of visibility is to be assureed in the case of use of dimmer devices.

BV E part, 6.1.6 综合机舱(AUT-IMS)高于M0.对轮机设备的控制要求:

Measuring intrusments located on rhw navigation bridge are to be lighted or luminescent; it is to be possible to adjust their light intensity to protect the operator from dazzling. The number of dimmers is to be reduced as far as possible. Partial covers on lamps are to be reduced as far as possible. Partial covers on lamps are to be avoided; an adjusting system by trimmeris to be preferred. It is not to be possible to hide or totally extinguish the luminous signals of alarms.

MED适用情况:1. 新船且旗帜属于欧盟成员国; 2. 加装新设备在旗帜属于欧盟成员国的船上。



B模式:欧盟形式认可, EC形式认可。设计的认可,包括审图。适用于系列产品的认可,一经认可,相同设计的产品5年内有效。经EC形式认可的设备,均需辅以另一种模式(D,E,F)的认可,以便在其销售之前证实符合MED的要求。












PANAMA 2019.8.19 第106-048-GDMM号通告,和伯利兹旗国于2019.11.13发布并于2020.6.5修订的第MMN-19-005R1号通告中,分别要求船舶在正常营运中,不得擅自关闭LRIT和AIS,否则船旗国将对船舶进行罚款,甚至强制除籍。

SOLAS CV/R19.2.4.7要求:主管机关应有权接受悬挂该国旗的船舶的LRIT信息,而无论此类船舶可能位于何处。


惰性气体系统指南 MSC/Circ.387 MSC/Circ.353

NK TI349 解读SOLAS1996第三章,LSA Code

原文:LSA/ “general emergency alarm system”

解读:The general emergency alarm system (GA) isto be continously and automatically sounded by operating a switch on the navigating bridge and at other strategic points. Whistles may be operated manually from the bridge provided that the bell, etc. attain the required sound pressure levels for the GA.

原文:"other strategic points"

解读:Other strategic points mean those locations, other than the navigation bridge, from where emergancy situations are to be controlled and the GA can be activated. Fire control stations or cargo control stations are normally regarded as strategic points.


原文:"all the accommodation and normal crew working spaces"

解读:Sound pressure levels of the GA may not be required in spaces such as the under deck passage way or bosun's locker. The levels are to be normally attained as required inside the following locations:

1. Cabins, mess room, office, smoking room, recreation room, gymnasium, owner's room, spare room, hospital, pilot room, and galley

2. Common lavatory, common shower room, laundry room

3. Passage, lobby, stair way

4. Working room, Cargo Control Room

5. Pump Room(tanker)

6. Engine control room, watch room

7. excepted above in eng room where is diffcult to attain minimum sound pressure levels due to ambient noise. OK to be supplemented by visual alarms.

原文:"manually turned off"

解读:Where it is necessary to broadcast of emergency messages using the public address system (PA), the GA may be turnedoff manually provided that a switch for GA is provided close to the microphone used for the PA.


原文:"cabins without a loudspeaker installation"

解读:An electronic alarm transducer(buzzer or similar) is to be installed for the GA in cabins where no loudspeaker for the PA is installed, even if the required sound pressure levels for the GA in the cabin can be obtained by a buzzer, bells or other suitable means located in the passage way of the accommodation space.


原文:"crew members are normally present"

解读:Sound pressure levels of the PA are not required in spaces located under the deck passage way, the bosun's locker, the hospital, the pump room, or similar types of spaces. The level are to be normally attained as required inside the following places as crew members are normally present.

1. Cabins, mess room, office, smoking room, recreation room, owner's room, spare room, pilot room, galley

2. passage, lobby, stairway

3. ECR

原文:"It shall be installed with regard to acoustically marginal conditions and not require any action from the address"

解读:Where an individual loudspeaker has a device for local silencing, an over-ride arrangement from the control station, including the navigating bridge, is to be in place.

原文:"It shall be protected against unauthorized use"

解读:Where the PA  is used to supplement the GA, the PA is to have priority over the GA.


原文:"measurement of the sound pressure levels"

解读:At the time of safety equipment initial survey, each sound pressure level of the GA, broadcasting emergency announments by the PA, and ambinet noisse levels and the speech interference level are to be measured in accordance with the following points.

1. Until such time as special instructions are given later to the contrary speech interference level is to be taken to mean ambient noise levels.

2.  Each sound pressure level is to be measured during sea trials in accordance with the test procedure for conducting tests during sea trials noted or approved beforehand by the local office. However, each sound pressure level for the GA and PA may be measured while the ship is moored and ambinet noise levels measured during the sea trials if so requested by the owner or shipyard. The level for the GA is to be measured with the doors at measuring positon closed, although the level for the PA may be measured with the doors at the measuring position opened.

3. Ambient noise levels are to be measured during normal equipment operation while the ship is under way in moderate weather.

4. The sound pressure levels are to be measured at the characteristic A setting of a suitably adjusted sound level meter.

5. The level of the PA is to be measured using a low frequency oscillator or a single sound oscillator built-into the amplifiers , or by a voice level check by done in which the crew members will be expected to make announcements during emergencies.

香港船旗鼓励实行SOLAS2000 V reg.15 MSC/Circ.982 驾驶室布置人体工程学

Malta船旗要求SOLAS V 19.1.1 GPS配备,两台独立GPS接收,满足A。819(19), MSC.112(73)

巴哈马船旗要求应急操舵位艏向显示SOLAS 2000 V19.2.5.2

卫星应急示位标的维护,SOLAS IV reg.15

各方面的效用需要年检,而且重点关注frequencies emissions,coding,registration。维护周期不超过5年,维护由认可的在岸维护设备进行。

SOLAS XII draft amendment

Stability instruments: New BC of less than 150m in length, are to be fitted with a loading computer and software providing information on the ship's intact stability.

NK TI586 VDR IEC 61996-1 


在onboard verification的至少7天前,向船级提交以下资料:



日期和时间;船位,该数据需被记录在打印机(能被打印?),需要能够体现数据来源;船速,如果对水测速仪也不被要求/或者测速仪与VDR不兼容的情况下,允许使用GPS提供的船速;艏向;船桥麦克风;VHF通话记录;雷达,推荐X波段雷达连接;回声测深仪,数据体现量程和状态,能够打印输出,能够接到VDR;主要警报,船桥声音记录,影像记录,强制警报(61996 AnnexB):舵机警报(不包含短路保护警报),水密门低液压警报,shell door position indicator, 机舱火警,火警和故障报警分别记录,对应喷头的火警探头,故障警报,喷头触发,火警;舵机控制信号,所有控制指令(follow-up,non-follow-up,joystick),和指令发出位置(船桥,两翼。。。),操作模式;主机控制;风速风向。

NK TI591 塞普罗斯船旗 要求96/98/EC,设备列表在Annex A。


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