

作者: 来而不可失者时也 | 来源:发表于2024-01-25 14:34 被阅读0次



There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs. There is no shortcuts in achievement. You really have to take the long road to be able to reach your destination.

Communication is not only speaking. Communication is needed in the world, we have to understand each other. Communication is not only speaking.  It is is also feeling and understanding. You have to understand and absorb the ideas of other person.

Friends are the source of lover. They give your light in  the darkest hours and they make you bloom in the weakest. They will help you endure and enjoy.

Always be curious about the world, you have to use your imagination to travel  Travel explore the world of fun, you have to open the box to be able to get out of it. Seize the opportunity and lead the trend.

Butterflies cannot see their wings. They cannot see how perfect and beautiful are their wings. But everyone else can. People are like butterflies, you would not know how important you are in your own eyes unless you are told by others.


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