
作者: 马云腾Ne | 来源:发表于2019-03-08 14:52 被阅读0次

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   My own wish for children and parents alike is that they learn to find love even amidst the world’s and their own imperfections...



 Those of us who are parents certainly know about "imperfections"-our own and our children' s! Parenting is a struggle. I was always touched when people would tell me how much they've learned from Fred that's helped them in their parenting, but I have a hunchthat they thought he had some magical gift with children. He and I had to work at being good parents... Just like everyone else.


As I think about our own early experience in parenting, what I remember is that we were a not-so-young mother and father, both thirty-one years old, when our first son was born. We had been married for seven years, and we were overjoyed to be a family at last. I can also remember how insecure Fred and I both felt over the prospect of taking care of this tiny person. At the same time, we felt ready for the challenges ahead. Our second son was born just twenty-one months later. Those were busy but happy times for Fred and me and for both sets of grandparents. It was a great blessing that both boys were essentially very healthy, so we were gently eased into parenthood .

Fred was understandably very protectiveof our family life, but he did share some of his feelings about our parenting in some writing that he did a number of years ago :


   Looking back over the years of parenting that my wife and I have done with our two boys. I feel good about who we are and what we’ve done. I don’t mean we were perfect parents. Not at all.Our years with our children were marked by plenty of inappropriate responses. Both Joanne and I can recall many times when we wish now we’d said or done something different. But we didn’t, and we’ve learned not to feel too guilty about that. What gives me my good feeling is that we always cared and always tried to do our best. Our two sons are very different One from the other : yet, at the core of each of them there seems to be a basic kindness, a caring, and a willingness to try.


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