
作者: 威廉绵羊 | 来源:发表于2020-01-04 23:02 被阅读0次

[if !supportLists]A.     [endif]The

Vanishing Negative

Thisis a negative question of ambiguous tone and phrasing. Whether the clientagrees or disagrees, it can be counted as a hit. Here is an example:

"...moving on to career matters, you don't work with children, do you?"

"NoI don't."

"No,I thought not. That's not really your role..." Or alternatively:

"...moving on to career matters, you don't work with children, do you?"

"Ido actually, part-time."

"Yes,I thought so. There's a strong affinity with children indicated... "

Thecute phrasing means that if necessary, the negative part of the question simplyvanishes, never to be remembered. In my experience, this element is veryeffective and works with almost all clients.

Re-affirm,re-assure, expand

TheVanishing Negative can be made even more deceptive by adding three neatembellishments.

Thefirst is for the psychic to enhance the client's own response, and emphasisethe 'fact' that they are in complete agreement. The second is to offer somereassuring comment which disparages the alternative option rejected by theclient. The third is to expand upon the point, as if the initial question wasjust incidental preamble.

Byway of illustration, look at this:

"Atthis point, I want to move on and address money and career matters. You don'twork for yourself do you?"

"NoI don't."

First,establish agreement...

"No,I didn't think so. I got quite a clear impression that you weren't in thatcategory..."

Next,the reassurance and gentle disparagement...

"...Idon't think you're cut out to be one of these flashy, egocentric entrepreneurs,with all that stress and the hassle. Most of them never get anywhereanyway!"

Finally,the expansion...

"Anyway,the reason I sensed you work for someone else is that I see a change in therelationship with your employer... "

Andthe psychic then continues, for all the world as if she knew that the clienthad a regular job. The fact that she actually asked a question to discover thisis quietly forgotten. Now, let us see the alternative version:

"Atthis point, I want to move on and address money and career matters. You don'twork for yourself do you?"

"Yes,I do, actually. Have done for a while."

First,the agreement (featuring the instant Vanishing Negative)...

"Yes,I thought so. It's actually quite a clear aspect of your chart..."

Next,the reassurance and gentle disparagement...

"...Idon't think you're cut out to be just another nine-to-five wage slave. Thatcould never be truly fulfilling for someone like you. You have too much driveand too many good ideas of your own...."

Finally,the expansion...

"Anyway,the reason I picked up on the fact that you run your own business is that Iforesee some very good prospects arising from your natural ability to developnew opportunities... "

Andthe simple Vanishing Negative scores another hit for the gifted psychic!


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    [if !supportLists]A. [endif]The Vanishing Negative Thisis...

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