Try something new
-以为蛙泳是“frog style”,technical term——breaststroke [ˈbrestˌstrəʊk]
-特别练习了“蛙泳”,比起别人游得free and easy, I am still struggling with breathing.
Bible reading
-Christ is my life.
-Holy Spirit is the Spirti of Christ who lives in the heart of reborn Christian.
-God is with us.
-He who lives in us will never leave until eternity.
Christ is my life
-make every effort=spare no effort
-在其他书上也看到“make an effort”,理解为“努力一下”
make every effort
-set up a time to meet.找时间见个面.这里不用"find",而是''set up'',提现出对"meet"的重视。体会下"up",把某件事情“提上日程”。
set up a time