【俗人专栏】致2020 ——水滴不让,大海乃大。

【俗人专栏】致2020 ——水滴不让,大海乃大。

作者: E介俗人 | 来源:发表于2020-12-30 22:16 被阅读0次
















TO 2020:

--A small drop could be an ocean.

If I have to find out some words to properly describe this remarkable year, that would be Complex & Simple.

Yes, they are antonyms and convey two exactly opposite meanings. From this moment, when we peer at the whole of 2020, such enormous changes happened in this world. Not to mention the deep split which wedged into the everywhere, poor and rich, healthy and ill, top-notch and cheap, etc. Complex as it is, we can't figure out the truth, even the sunrise of tomorrow.

This world needs to be HEAL.

How about us? From the whole year, what I've heard, that mostly be bound up with unemployment, the surging up of the price, the toughness of life, and the struggle of fighting again anything unpleasure. I just never realize how does it become so painful.

We need to be COMFORT.

I've also endured that dramatic shift. Fortunately, I didn't experience any inappropriate physiologically. However, I can easily touch my heart and feel the remaining temperature. My heart, which was a naughty machine, can detect even one slight fluctuation psychologically. It was cold, furious sometimes, and didn't know why it pushes me to enrage "myself".

I was to struggle to think rationally, not like a sober at all.

Sometimes I became impatient towards me, towards everything. Excuses were made to other's merits but disgrace anything happened to me. I ran into a road which the ending pointing dismissed.

I need the road to the end of 2020.

Actually, what we've encountered, were simple, combined with one goal we're always to zero in-- to survive and then live better. 2021 would be a brand new year, which we still have hope, passion, and encouragement to expect for. The world would turn its wheel steer to a brighter but less wind blowing. And I would be stronger, both in physical and psychological. Anxious as it was, but I would be companied with them easily.

On this last day of 2020, I hope we all have our path to living better. What was happened in 2020, just let it go, make it as a drop and fill into a boundless ocean.


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      本文标题:【俗人专栏】致2020 ——水滴不让,大海乃大。
