The Optatec is held every two years at the exhibition center Frankfurt am Main and is only open to trade visitors of the industry. She has already established itself as one of the most important international industry forums and displays the entire spectrum of optics, optoelectronics, laser technology, fiber optics but also applications and processes for the manufacture of optics and optical measuring and testing technology. The name Optatec stands for innovation and advancement in the field of optical technologies, such as no other event! It is the world's leading information, communications and business platform in the industry. The exhibitors from Europe and around the world show here the future technologies and also use the show for presentation of current innovations and product launches. The Optatec is accompanied by a high-profile program with lectures and discussions.
▼ 重要的产业聚集:法兰克福光电展汇集了国际专业人士的一流的观众,其中91%的人士具有采购决策权,为您提供了出色的机会,以与潜在客户建立新的联系,从而发展新的业务
▼ 全面的项目支持:展期同时举办光电科技园区和展商论坛。来自行业内的顶层专家将带来关于聚焦、高度具有实践性的知识、发展趋势和科学技术的分享,这些包 括光学技术的所有层面。
▼ “光电的世界”—— 科学与产业的接口:光电博览会是欧洲优秀的科学盛会和国际科学精英集结的优秀时机。它促使研究与实际应用相结合,并正在逐渐成为一个重要的商业因素。