2020-03-24-Can city life survive

2020-03-24-Can city life survive

作者: Mandy生活札记 | 来源:发表于2020-03-24 10:45 被阅读0次

    Traditionally, we seek solace in religion, sports, entertainment and in the promise that modern science and societies provide all the tools needed to solve any problem.


    The coronavirus undermines our basic ideas about community, and in particular, urban life. The very notion of streets shared housing and spaces stemmed from and fostered a kind of collective affirmation, a sense that people are all in this together.


    Pandemics prey on this relentlessly. They are anti-urban. They exploit our impulse to congregate. And our response so far- social distancing-not only runs up against our fundamental desires to interact, but also against the way we have built our cities and plazas, subways and skyscrapers.


    During the last century, millions of urban-dwelling Americans fled to the suburbs. But people have been moving back into cities even as technology has created myriad new ways of connecting remotely. We still need one other, not just virtually. Cities have become epicentres of new capital and creativity,  because proximity breeds serendipity and strength, from which new ideas and opportunities arise.


    Today's threat is altogether another sort of challenge to solidarity and our way of life. It requires isolation.


    New expressions:

    Seek/find solace for sth. 从某事中寻求安慰

    He seeks solace in music.

    Promise n.前途,指望,希望

    A young man full of promise年少有为

    Undermine v.破坏,削弱

    Notion n.观点,看法, notion of sth.

    Stem from 来自地,源于(To develop as a result of sth, else)

    His headaches stemmed from vision problems.

    Foster v.培养,助长,促进

    Collective affirmation 集体主义论断,群居主义论断

    Collective adj.集体的,共同的

    Prey on sb./sth 损害(harm sb. or make sth. weaker) 捕猎,

    relentlessly adv无情地,持续地

    Exploit v.利用

    Impulse n.冲动

    Congregate vi,集合,汇合

    Run up against th. 撞上,遭遇.... to have to deal with unexpected problems or a difficult opponent).

    We ran up against some unexpected opposition.

    A runs up against B =A contradicts B =A conflicts with B

    Skyscraper 摩天大楼

    Urban-dwelling adj.在城市生活的 

    Dwell v.居住(To live in a particular place)

    Myriad adj.无数的,大量的

    Proximity breeds serendipity 人与人的临近带来新的发现

    Serendipity n.意外的运气,新发现(Luck)

    Solidarity n.团结 (collectiveness)



          本文标题:2020-03-24-Can city life survive
