数据库 - 数据的仓库 - database
关系型数据库 - 数据持久化 - 管理数据 - 方便的检索数据
- 行 - row - 记录
- 列 - column - 字段 - 数据类型
- 主键列 - primary key - 唯一标识一条记录
有自己的编程语言:结构化查询语言 - SQL
DB - database
DBMS - database management system
DBA - database administrator
DBS - database system = DB + DBMS + DBA
- Oracle
- MySQL ---> 服务器+客户端工具
C/S应用模式 - Client / Server
微软 - SQL Server
Redis - 键值对数据库
MongoDB - 文档数据库
ElasticSearch/Solr - 搜索引擎
- Win+R ---> 运行
- services.msc ---> 服务
- MySQL57 ---> 启动
net start mysql57
开始菜单 ---> MySQL ---> MySQL Client Program
Navicat for MySQL - 猫
SQLyog - 海豚
Toad for MySQL - 蟾蜍
-- 关系型数据库
-- 关系代数 + 集合论
-- 用二维表组织数据(行和列)
-- 结构化查询语言(SQL)
-- SQL: Structured Query Language - 结构化查询语言 - 不区分大小写
-- 1. DDL: Data Definition Language - 数据定义语言 - create / drop / alter
-- 2. DML: Data Manipulation Language - 数据操作语言 - insert / delete /
update / select
-- 3. DCL: Data Control Language - 数据控制语言 - grant / revoke /
commit / rollback
-- 如果存在名为school的数据库就删除
drop database if exists school;
-- 创建school数据库并设置默认字符集为utf8
create database school default charset utf8;
-- 切换到school数据库的上下文环境
use school;
-- 如果存在名为tb_student的表就删除
drop table if exists tb_student;
-- 查看MySQL支持哪些数据类型
-- ? data types
-- ? int
-- ? varchar
-- 创建学生表tb_student
create table tb_student
stuid int not null comment '学号',
stuname varchar(31) not null comment '姓名',
stusex enum('男', '女') default '男' comment '性别',
stubirth date comment '出生日期',
stuaddr varchar(255) comment '家庭住址',
primary key (stuid)
-- 修改tb_student表的表结构添加一个新列
alter table tb_student add column stutel char(11) comment '联系电话';
-- 修改tb_student表的表结构删除一个列
alter table tb_student drop column stutel;
-- 修改tb_student表的表结构修改一个列
alter table tb_student change column stuname stuname varchar(20)
not null comment '姓名';
-- 如果存在名为tb_course的表就删除
drop table if exists tb_course;
-- 创建课程表tb_course
create table tb_course
cid int not null comment '课程编号',
cname varchar(31) not null comment '课程名称',
credit tinyint unsigned not null comment '学分',
cdate timestamp default now() comment '开课日期',
primary key (cid)
-- 录入完整的学生数据
insert into tb_student values
(1001, '骆昊', '男', '1980-11-28', '四川成都');
-- 指定列录入对应的数据
insert into tb_student (stuid, stuname, stubirth)
values (1002, '王大锤', '1990-2-2');
-- 一次性插入多条数据
insert into tb_student
(stuid, stuname, stusex)
(1003, '白元芳', default),
(1004, '白洁', '女'),
(1005, '狄仁杰', '男'),
(1006, '武则天', '女');
-- 录入课程数据
insert into tb_course
(cid, cname, credit)
(1111, 'Python程序设计', 3),
(2222, 'Web前端开发', 2),
(3333, 'Linux系统入门', 2),
(4444, '数据库理论和实践', 3),
(5555, '企业应用架构', 2);
-- 删除记录
delete from tb_student where stuid=3001;
delete from tb_student where stuid>1005;
delete from tb_student where stuid between 1003 and 1005;
-- 删全表
truncate table tb_student;
-- 更新记录
update tb_student set stubirth='1995-5-5' where stuname='白元芳';
update tb_student set stubirth='1996-6-6', stuaddr='河北保定'
where stuid=1004;
update tb_course set credit=4 where cid in (2222, 5555);
update tb_course set credit=2 where cid=2222 or cid=5555;
-- 查询记录
select * from tb_student;
select * from tb_course;
-- 投影
select stuid, stuname, stusex from tb_student;
-- 别名
select stuid as 学号, stuname as 姓名, stusex as 性别 from tb_student;
-- 筛选
select stuid, stuname, stusex from tb_student where stusex='男';
select stuname, stubirth from tb_student
where stubirth between '1990-1-1' and '1999-12-31';
select stuname, stubirth, stusex from tb_student
where stubirth between '1990-1-1' and '1999-12-31' and stusex='男';
select stuname, stubirth, stusex from tb_student
where stubirth between '1990-1-1' and '1999-12-31' or stusex='男';
-- 集合运算in和not in
select stuid, stuname from tb_student
where stuid not in (1001, 1003, 1005, 2001);
-- 判断空值(null)不能用=或<>,需要使用is或is not
select * from tb_student where stuaddr is null;
select * from tb_student where stuaddr is not null;
insert into tb_student values (1007, '李白', default, null, null);
insert into tb_student values (1008, '李白菜', '女', null, null);
-- 模糊
select * from tb_student where stuname like '白%';
select * from tb_student where stuname like '%白';
select * from tb_student where stuname like '%白%';
select * from tb_student where stuname like '白';
select * from tb_student where stuname like '白';
select * from tb_student where stuname like '白';
select * from tb_student where stuname like '白';
select * from tb_student where stuname like '白';
-- 排序
select * from tb_student order by stuid desc;
select * from tb_student order by stuname asc;
select * from tb_student order by stusex desc, stuid desc;
-- 分页查询
select * from tb_student order by stuid desc limit 3;
select * from tb_student order by stuid desc limit 3 offset 3;
select * from tb_student order by stuid desc limit 3,3;
select * from tb_student order by stuid desc limit 3 offset 6;
select * from tb_student order by stuid desc limit 6,3;
select distinct substr(stuname, 1, 1) from tb_student;
select substr(stuname, 2, length(stuname)) from tb_student;
-- 聚合函数(统计函数)
select max(credit) from tb_course;
select min(credit) from tb_course;
select max(stubirth) from tb_student;
select min(stubirth) from tb_student;
select sum(credit) from tb_course;
select avg(credit) from tb_course;
select count(stuid) from tb_student;
select count(cid) from tb_course;
-- 分组查询
select stusex, count(stuid) from tb_student group by stusex;
-- 创建用户
create user 'wangdachui'@'%' identified by '1qaz2wsx';
create user 'wangdachui'@'localhost' identified by '1qaz2wsx';
-- 授权操作
grant all privileges on . to 'wangdachui'@'localhost';
grant all privileges on . to 'wangdachui'@'localhost' with grant option;
-- 召回权限
revoke all privileges on . from 'wangdachui'@'localhost';
grant select on school.* to 'wangdachui'@'localhost';
grant insert, delete, update on school.* to 'wangdachui'@'localhost';
grant create, drop, alter on school.* to 'wangdachui'@'localhost';
-- 表与表之间的关系
-- 一对一 (人和身份证、用户和购物车)
-- 一对多 / 多对一(人和银行卡、用户和订单)
-- 多对多(学生和课程、订单和商品)
-- 外键:外来的主键(其他表的主键)
-- 学生、课程、学院、老师