关于这些 Talk 的小短语, 你都知道他们的意思吗🤔
看到"talk to the hand”,是不是下意识以为是“和手说话啦”
然而,"talk to the hand" 是表达:我不想理你,不想和你说啦
1⃣️ Talk to the hand
如果有人对你说:"talk to the hand”,他想表达:“我懒得听,不想和你说啦”
A:Mary,I heard that Mr. Fish and Sara were dating and they ......
B:Talk to the hand!I am sick of hearing your gossip.
2⃣️Talk to you later
"talk to you later"很多时候都不是表达: “我等一下就和你聊”,正确的理解是“再聊”或者“再见”。
A:Talk to you later.
B:All right. See you love.
3⃣️ Talk the talk
"talk the talk" 表示的是“说到做到”,或者“说的好听、说的头头是道”
剑桥词典对它的英文解释为:to talk or act in a confident way so that you seem to be very good at what you do
🧀️除此之外,"walk the walk"也表示:说到做到、付诸行动”或者“言行一致
英文解释为:to show that something is true by your actions rather than your words.
You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?
你说得头头是道, 可你能做到吗
4⃣️ Talk turkey
"turkey" 有“火鸡”的意思 但是在这里不是“和火鸡交谈”哟
“talk turkey" 也是一个非正式习语,它表示的是:坦白说、坦诚相告
👉英文解释为:to discuss something in a direct way without avoiding difficult issues.
If you are willing to talk turkey, the dispute between us can be easily settled.
5⃣️ Talk sb. around
"talk sb. around" 是在表达:和某人聊聊”或者“说服”
to persuade someone to agree with you or to do what you want, when they have previously been against it
Some board members are opposed to the merger, but it may be possible to talk them around.