How to Read a Paper Efficiently (By Prof. Pete Carr)
DON'T read in order as the paper is printed
2 phases:
Survey the Article
to see if it is really worthy investing a lot of time in.- 看:title, key words, abstraction, conclusions
- Stop: 如果发现 unworthy,立刻停止
Read the Article
- look at the tables and figures
- read the introduction
- read the results and discussion (heart part)
- if the paper is really relevant, detailed read the experiences.
- beneficial, save time
- DON'T write on your PDF, because you can't collect those notes easily.
- TAKE a bunch of index cards. 有条理的组织起来
How to Read a Research Paper
Goal, Patient, Practice
3-pass approach
- skim through the paper to get it just of it's meaning
title, abstract
skim the rest
no math firstly
Goal: understand the aims of the author; what are the paper's main contributions; what problems does it attempt to solve; is this a paper that I'm really interested in. - reread. take notes.
figure descriptions
download the code if needed - Detail in math.
discuss with other people
Never Give up
知道学术论文的构造 AIMRD: Abstract Introduction Method Results Discussion
第一遍略读 三五分钟
- 剖析paper标题,key words
- 探究作者内心真实想法,提出问题并解决问题。
- introduction,阅读的时候关注几个关键字:However(转折), Objective(目标), Hypothesis(假设)。去找创新点和假设/问题等
- 先略过method的细节,关注图表及其标题,对研究方法有所了解
- Results:关注结构,就是二级标题,就能知道作者是通过几个方面来报道研究结果的
- Conclusion部分
- 摘要 详细了解研究目的/研究方法/重要数据/结论,验证自己粗读时候的一些猜测。详细阅读。
- Introduction。段落大意
- Method。带着问题去读,要有重点寻找的内容。
- Result。善于找重点,研究图表。
- Discussion。主要关注的是discrepancy(不符,矛盾)和Limitation