2019-07-15 每日10分钟商务英语口语--学习记录(业绩

2019-07-15 每日10分钟商务英语口语--学习记录(业绩

作者: 魔君BYL | 来源:发表于2019-07-15 22:29 被阅读0次

    That's an increase of around 7%. 我公司的增长率在7%左右。


    1.  total revenue总收入   /'rɛvənu/ n. 税收,国家的收入;收益

    2. go for it 加油,努力争取

    3. attribute to 把......归因于

    4. inferior quality 劣质   /ɪn'fɪrɪɚ/ n. 下级;次品 adj. 差的;自卑的;下级的,下等的

    5. open a branch 开设分公司

    6. start out 开始

    7. take a dive 突然下降

    8. push up the revenue 提高收入

    9. sales volumes 销售总量


    1. We outperformed the market from August until December. 从8月到12月我们的变现都胜过市场表现。

    2. According to the graph, you can see the future growth of our product is positive. 根据图表,您可以看到哦,我们产品未来的成长是正向发的。

    3. That was true for the last quarter. 就上一季度来说确实如此。

    4. As everyone can see, our total revenue for 2014 was significantly over2013. 如各位所见,我们2014年的总收入比起2013年有显著的增长。

    5.  Even though overall mountain bike sales were flat, the higher per-unit cost of the S1 models pushed up pur overall revenue. 虽然登山车款整体销售量持平,但单价较高的S1车款推高了我们的总收入。

    6. These figures are even better than we expected. 这些数字比我们预期的还要好。

    7. Our new products were a bit in both the Beijing and Shanghai markets. 我们的新产品在北京以及上海市场都非常畅销。

    8. Most of this drop can be attributed to the recall of the inferior products.这次下滑主要归因于召回低劣产品。

    9. Our sales went quite well last year. 我们去年销售做得不错。

    10. 100% of the employees successfully reached their sales goals. 所有销售人员都达到了他们的销售目标。


    1. I'd like to show you the figures. 我想给您看一下数据。

    2. This pie chart makes it pretty clear where the money in Beijing is. 这张饼图非常清楚地呈现了北京主要经济的区域。

    3. This chart offers a good look at the performance of all our different lines. 这张图表清楚地呈现了我们各车系的表现。

    4. Last year our sales rose by 4%. In the meantime, customer's complaints dropped remarkably. 去年我们的销售额增长4%。同时,顾客投诉量显著降低。     remarkably /rɪ'mɑkəblɪ/ adv. 显著地,非常地,惊人地;引人注目地


    total revenue 总收入

    net revenue 净收入

    gross revenue 毛收入

    annual revenue 年收入


    1. Last year we saw an annual growth of 3.5% in net profit. 去年我们纯利润年增长3.5%.

    2. How's your performance for 2014? 2014年你们的表现如何?    net profit 净利润

    3. The total sales volume claims a record high of 300,000 yuan. 我们的总销售额达到了创纪录的30万元。

    4. We reached a maximum sales volume of 300,000 last year. 去年我们的销售额达到了最高的30万元。

    5. Last year we finished with a new high of 300,000. 去年我们完成了30万元的新高。

    6. According to recent survey , 35% people are able to recognize our brand. 根据最新的调查,我们品牌的公众认知度达到了35%。

    7. We made significant process in ... 我们在...上取得了巨大的进步。

    8. We opened 35 more retail outlets in the nation during the past four months. 过去四个月我们在全国范围内新开了35家零售店。

    9. Customer's complaints dropped remarkably. 顾客投诉量显著降低。

    10. What's the focus for the following year?你们下一年的工作重点是什么?

    11. We achieved some progress in the previous year. 过去的1年,我们取得了一系列的成就。

    12. reasonable in price 价格合理

    13. attractive in design款式新颖

    14 . superior in quality 质量上乘    /sʊˈpɪrɪɚ/ n. 上级,长官;优胜者,高手;长者 adj. 上级的;优秀的,出众的;高傲的



          本文标题:2019-07-15 每日10分钟商务英语口语--学习记录(业绩
