1. 我读
本章中先是写了John收到Savannah的信后的心情,很想飞回家和她谈谈,可终究只是默默地收起信,随身携带,就像是自己身上的一块伤疤。接着写了萨达姆倒台后的场面,他的兄弟们也在这结束后纷纷光荣退伍,只有他再次入伍,始终独来独往。恋人的离去,兄弟的退伍,让这个大男孩越来越隐忍,把自己的伤痛深深地藏在心底。看到这里,真的很心疼他。如果Savannah看到这样的John会难过会为他伤心吗?还舍得离开他吗?然而这一切Savannah 终究是不会知道的。即便是知道了,真的会有回寰的余地吗?后来用大量篇幅来描写了自己全身心地和他父亲相处时光。照顾生病的爸爸,陪他散步,给他读书,和他一起讨论钱币的事,慢慢地融入父亲的世界里。在John 离开家之前,因无人照顾父亲,于是把父亲送到护理中心。父亲因此很不适应,John不停地安慰着,不停地解释着,父亲终于不再害怕,却也没有说什么,也许他是知道儿子有儿子的使命和职责,不能陪伴在他左右,于是并不想让儿子担心。可这却成为他们父子的最后一次见面。
2. 我答
1. He longed to talk to her, or fly home immediately, or at least call her.
He just retrieve the letter ,stuffed it back in the envelope, and decided to carry it with him like a wound he had received in battle. Over the next few weeks, he bacame the consummate soldier.
2. Baghdad fell.
3. He was sent back to Germany.
Yes, there was. Because of the hand wound, Tony was given a discharge along with his Purple Heart. Four more guys were honorably discharged in late 2003. And his squad was full of newbies.
4. In spring 2004, when it was with his friends gone, after his tour of combat.
Because he devoted himself to his dad as best he could.
5. The condition of John's father continued to worsen.
No, he didn't. He just wanted to stay at home.