瑛姐带你练口语~~~~第一天 起床

瑛姐带你练口语~~~~第一天 起床

作者: 瑛姐Zoe | 来源:发表于2018-08-23 17:19 被阅读31次

    主题:    Getting up   起床


     Waking Someone Up

     Ann: Hey,Jim .its time to wake up and get out of bed .

    Jim: Do l have to get up now ?

    Ann: Youd better get up ,or youre be late .

    Jim: What are you talking about ? My alarm hasnt even gone off yet .

    Ann: Yes,it did. It went off 30 minutes ago .You slept right through it .

    You are like a dead person while you sleep .

    Jim:I must have slept right through it .

    Ann: Rise and shine !Sleepyhead !

    Jim:Just let me sleep 5 more minutes .

    Ann:The early bird gets the worm.

    Jim: I know . I know .But I dont want any worms.

    Ann: Ha ! Ha! If you dont make an effort now ,

    later on itll be a lot tougher for you .



    1.Its time to get up .该起床了 get up起床 / wake up 醒一醒

    2.Get up soon 快起床!

     Get out of bed quickly .快快起床

    3.I usually sleep lateon Saturday.我周六通常晚起  Sleep late 晚起

    4.Hurry up !快点! Hurry !

    5.Its stillearly .时间还早呢

     Its too early toget up .现在起床太早了  

    6.Did the alarm go off? 闹钟响了吗?  go off 响起,发出声音”

    Did you hear the alarm ?你听到闹钟响了吗?

    7.I stayed up the whole night ./ I spent a sleepless night .我一夜没有睡觉。

    Stay up不睡觉,熬夜  sleepless  失眠

    8.Im still sleepy.我还很困

    I want to sleep 10 more minutes.我想再睡5分

    9.You were snoring last night .你昨天晚上打呼噜了。

    10 .Ive been dreaming all the night.我整晚都在做梦

           I had a good dream last night .我昨晚做了一个好梦。

    11.Put your clothes on ./  Get dressed . 把衣服穿上 

    12.Fold up your bedding . 把被褥叠好。

        Fold up your quilt . 把被子叠好

    13.Comb your hair .把头发梳理一下

         Go wash your face . 快去洗脸 



          本文标题:瑛姐带你练口语~~~~第一天 起床
