GMAT OG 2019语法新题解析729

GMAT OG 2019语法新题解析729

作者: 欧米GMAT | 来源:发表于2018-09-10 09:57 被阅读7次

GMAT OG2019全新出炉,欧米GMAT整理语法部分新题并附上解析,持续更新,欢迎关注!​

729. Many utilities obtain most of their electric power from large coal and nuclear operations at costs that are sometimes two to three times higher as that of power from smaller, more efficient plants that can bothmake use of waste heat and take advantage of the current abundance of natural gas.

A. two to three times higher as that of power from smaller, more efficient plants that can both

B. higher by two to three times as that from smaller, more efficient plants that both can

C. two to three times higher than those for power from smaller, more efficient plants that can both

D. between two to three times higher as those for power from smaller, more efficient plants that both can

E. between two to three times higher than from smaller, more efficient plants that they can both








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