mongo shell 插入时间数据

mongo shell 插入时间数据

作者: 飞跑的蛤蟆 | 来源:发表于2021-11-23 15:44 被阅读0次
db.collection.insert([{'_id': ObjectId('5f1ebc633286f41a3079f724'),
    'updateTime': new Date(2020, 7, 27, 19, 37, 7, 616000),


Returns a date either as a string or as a Date object.

  • Date() returns the current date as a string in the mongo shell.
  • new Date() returns the current date as a Date object. The mongo shell wraps the Date object with the ISODate helper. The ISODate is in UTC.

You can specify a particular date by passing an ISO-8601 date string with a year within the inclusive range 0 through 9999 to the new Date() constructor or the ISODate() function. These functions accept the following formats:

  • new Date("<YYYY-mm-dd>") returns the ISODate with the specified date.
  • new Date("<YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:ss>") specifies the datetime in the client’s local timezone and returns the ISODate with the specified datetime in UTC.
  • new Date("<YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:ssZ>") specifies the datetime in UTC and returns the ISODate with the specified datetime in UTC.
  • new Date(<integer>) specifies the datetime as milliseconds since the Unix epoch (Jan 1, 1970), and returns the resulting ISODate instance.



      本文标题:mongo shell 插入时间数据
