dissatisfied 与 unsatisfied

dissatisfied 与 unsatisfied

作者: 2fa222542bfe | 来源:发表于2014-11-10 22:06 被阅读1801次

satisfied 有两个反义词, 意思有所不同,

dissatisfied  常表示 “不满意”,

unsatisfied  常表示 “不满足”,


The teacher was dissatisfied with the student's homework.   不满意

I was dissatisfied with the service I received during my stay in the hotel.   不满意

The boy was unsatisfied with the biscuits I gave him. He wanted more.    不满足

The curiosity was unsatisfied.  没有满足

She is an unsatisfied wife.  无法满足

If you don't like something, you can say "I'm dissatisfied with it ",  and if you like something but you can't get enough, you want more, you can say "I'm unsatisfied with it".




      本文标题: dissatisfied 与 unsatisfied
