

作者: 雅慧sisi | 来源:发表于2019-02-17 22:41 被阅读12次

    Love makes you a king/queen

    [A sannyasin says about his girlfriend: She is a queen. She's made me feel like a king. I don't feel like I deserve it.]



    That's a good arrangement.... Everybody is a king and everybody is a queen, because every human being is so valuable.


    It is not a question of deserving -- one is born a queen or a king --  but the society creates the idea that first you have to deserve... a wrong notion.


    The society creates the idea that you have first to become worthy; then you can be --  that's absolutely nonsense. Worthy or non-worthy, that is not the point at all. One is born a king, one is born a queen.


    That is our intrinsic nature. You cannot do anything to improve upon it and you cannot do anything to disqualify yourself. That's how, in love, one starts feeling very high. Because love accepts you as you are with no conditions, with no strings attached, that's why love is such a fulfillment. You need not deserve it; it comes as a gift.


    And I am not saying to become arrogant about it. I am not saying to start feeling, 'Yes, I am the king.' And I am not saying to start creating a kind of humility -- that you don't deserve it. Both are ego standpoints -- arrogance and humility.


    When she makes you feel like a king, remember that every beloved makes every lover feel like a king. This is nothing personal! In every love affair that happens.


    It has to happen, otherwise the affair is not there. If the woman cannot make you feel like a king she has not loved you, and if you cannot make her feel like a queen, you have not loved her.


    It is love that creates the king and the queen. Wherever love happens suddenly you have immense value, intrinsic value -- no question of deserving.


    And in fact, if you go deep into it, it is not that she is making you a king or you are making her a queen; it is love that is making you both kings and queens.


    Otherwise some day, she can take it away. If it is she who is making you a king, then sooner or later you will start feeling dependent because you will start feeling afraid. Without her you will not be a king and without you she will not be a queen.


    It can become a very great strategy to manipulate each other. Without you she will be an ordinary woman; without her you will be an ordinary man. And who wants to be an ordinary man once you have known that you are a king? But your kingship will depend on her.... She has the veto power. She can go against it, she can vote against it.


    So remember always: it is not she and it is not you. It is something greater than both of you -- it is love! It is the love climate.


    It is as when the spring comes and trees start blooming and the birds start singing and there is joy on the earth. It is love, the spring, the climate of love that suddenly makes you and her start feeling.... It is the god of love that speaks through you and speaks through her.


    But never for a single moment think that she is making you a king. Otherwise soon you will start being afraid of her. She can take it back; then where are you?…


    Mm, that has to be understood, otherwise soon fear comes in every relationship; fear is lingering just by the side of love. And the reason is that love makes you feel so good that naturally a fear comes. Is it possible to be in such a good state forever ? Will it be tomorrow also ? Will you be able to feel so happy and turned on tomorrow too?


    The fear comes because love gives you a peak, and the higher you go on the peak, the deeper the valley looks. Love gives you a light and the darkness looks more dark than ever, in contrast. And fear arises: if this light is gone, then? Then people start clinging to each other.


    You will not like her to go and she will not like you to go. And soon things are dull and dead -- and you have killed them. Because there are a few things which cannot be caught; love is one of those few things. You cannot hold it in your fist; it dies.


    And because of the fear one starts holding love. One becomes frightened; one may lose the woman, one may lose the man... then? Then you will be again in your ordinary rut, and one doesn't want to go back to that slum, that darkness, that cloudy state. One has seen the palace, one has lived in the palace. It is very difficult ….


    So ordinarily the mind and the logic says to grab hold of the woman, grab hold of the man. Make every possible effort so that he cannot escape. Make him unfree; make him more and more dependent.


    But then you have killed love; then already love is a memory. Then you are stuck together; you are no more friends -- you have become enemies.


    Remember, it is love -- not she, not he; it is love. Whenever there is love you will be a king. And then you are free -- because it is a question of love; it does not depend on her.


    Whenever there is love you will be a king; whenever there is not love you will be a beggar. It is love that gives you the glory. Yes, the love has come through her window; it can come through any other window. It can simply shower on you without anybody. It simply needs understanding -- that it is love, not the person. The person is instrumental.


    Then you are not imprisoning the person. Love cannot be imprisoned and there is no need to imprison it.


    Love is your song -- you can sing it any time. It is like breathing. Nobody is going to take it away from you; nobody can take it away from you.


    So drop that idea from the very beginning. I saw your letter and you had written in it that she is a jewish tantra queen. I thought that [man] will get into trouble! Queens and kings can be a great dangerous trip because kings are always captives of queens and queens are captives of kings!


    Don't become a captive, and don't make her a captive! Let love flow -- let love flow in freedom. Give it as much space as possible. Give it all that you can, and don't be worried -- because it is something in you; it is your fragrance. Good good!




